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请您站在这个台子上。Please stand here, on the platform.

Peggy把小狗抱到台子上。Peggy lifted the pup onto the table.

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帐篷里有三张台子。There were three tables in the tent.

走动中把打字机放在台子上。Move. Putting a typewriter on the desk.

填完后过台子的时候请交给工作人员。Please give it to the clerk when you pass the desk.

一进门,有一张大约齐腰高的狭窄的台子。Just inside the door is a narrow stand about waist high.

您床头的台子装有不佣人的劳力叫醒器。Theat the head of your bed has an automatic waking device.

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用纸板箱搭成戏台子,举行人偶表演。Make a stage out of a cardboard box and have a puppet show.

要想赢,只能在打得松的台子上打紧。To want to win, can be in only played the pine table matter.

不要试图把买回来的东西放在台子上。Don’t be tempted to leave any of the purchase on the counters.

有两个光屁股姑娘背对背坐在一个类似台子的地方。There were two naked girls seated back to back on a dais thing.

谅你也不敢从这个5米高的台子上跳进水池里去。I dare you to jump into the pool from the 5-meter-high platform.

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他站在屋子角落一个支高的台子上,他是一个老人,满脸的皱纹和悲伤的表情。He was a wizened old man with wrinkled face and a sad expression.

它飞到空中,向上再向上,最后停在台子上。It flew into the air up and up and then came to rest on the counter.

她从台子上跳了下来,扭到了脚踝,很快脚踝就肿起来了。She jumped off the platform, spraining the ankle that swelled suddenly.

之后裁判叫停了比赛,那个小伙子坐在台子上痛哭不止。After the referee stopped the fight, the boy sat on the canvas and wept.

人家送的礼物都摊放在起坐间那张可以折叠的大台子上了。The presents had been set out on the extension table in the sitting-room.

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房间中间放了一张检查台,台子上有一个橡胶垫。In the middle of the room was an examining table with a rubber mat on top.

他从台子上快步冲了出去,脸上出现了一种令人吃惊的恐怖的兴奋神情。Todd ran off the platform in a breath-taking display of dangerous excitement.

沿珊瑚礁的差别所在所搁放的台子儿被用来安设活石。At various locations along the reef, platforms were created to hold live rock.