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什么神气?What air?

你就没看见他那副神气?Don't you see his air?

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你瞧他脸上的那副神气!Get the look on his face!

他脸上显出得意的神气。He had an air of complacency.

看神气,她在爱我。She had the air of loving me.

瞧他骑着骡子小跑的神气模样儿!How he trots along on his mule !

她直视着他--活脱脱一个女巫的神气。She gazed at him--a pythoness in humour.

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他那神气活象一位稍息着的士兵。He had the air of soldier standing at ease.

她从我们身边走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。She walked past us with her nose in the air.

“他当然会被开除的,”凯丝神气十足地说。He'll be sacked all right, "said Kath airily".

他穿着漂亮的新制服真是神气十足。He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform.

小明星长得神气又有力。Celebrity has grown in handsomeness and strength.

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他没有变成一个衣冠楚楚,神气十足的城里人。He had not become a trim self-satisfied city man.

她从咱们身旁走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。She walks past us dawn her nose in the waterdrop.

主教显出一副惊奇的神气瞧着她。The Bishop gazed at her with an air of amazement.

我的老板神气十足,整天在吹嘘。My boss is a stuffed shirt, bragging all the time.

自从他就职以来,他就神气十足。Since he took office, he has been a stuffed shirt.

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他现在神气十足,但我认为不会长久如此。He is riding high now, but I think this won’t be long.

“晚安,”他装出轻松友好的神气说道。"Good-night, " he said, simulating an easy friendliness.

“是的,”她回答,露出心领神会的神气。"Yes, " she answered, with an air of quiet understanding.