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邪恶的克星。Vanquisher Of Evil.

英语是我的克星。English is my kryptonite.

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我把他们成为生命中的梦想克星。I call these the DreamBusters in life.

柏鲁克分校是在莱克星敦,25号大街。and that’s on Lexington and 25th street.

“我从来没去过列克星顿市,”立普生说道。"I had never been to Lexington, " Lipson said.

亚历克斯,23岁,格里芬,4岁,简直是家居布置的克星。Alex, age 23, and Griffin, age 4, are hell on decor.

我们都听说过抗氧化剂是抗癌的克星。We’ve all heard about antioxidants as cancer fighters.

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然而,在你生命中,最有影响力的梦想克星是你自己。But the most influential DreamBuster in your life is you.

只要想想诺亚那个时代,他身边所有的梦想克星吧。Just imagine all the DreamBusters that were in Noah's life.

结社自由是政党专制或大人物专权的克星。Freedom of association is regarded as a threat by dictators.

警方逮捕了这名蛋蛋克星吗,还是他们也很怕她?Did the police arrest the ball buster, or were they afraid to?

但是,有科学家表示,大象的克星实际上比老鼠的体型更小。But Dumbo's tormentors are actually even smaller, scientists claim.

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玛丽·托德·林肯1818年12月13日出生于肯塔基州莱克星顿市。Mary Todd Lincoln was born December 13, 1818 in Lexington, Kentucky.

去年我看到过一个“魔鬼克星”的设计,戴着一个高帽子,背着一只木头背包。Last year I saw a Ghostbuster wearing a top hat and a wooden backpack.

反抗迅速波及整个莱克星顿,英国军队撤退至康科德。Resistance melted away at Lexington, and the British moved on to Concord.

1969年毕业于莱克星敦市肯塔基大学,获得文科学士学位。He graduated in 1969 from the University of Kentucky in Lexington with a B.A.

这些炸弹是建筑工人、潜水客、天真儿童的克星。The bombs are the bane of construction crews, divers and unsuspecting children.

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号称“一分钟人”的当地民兵动作迅速,在莱克星顿武装组织起来。The militia, known as Minutemen, were alerted, and they assembled in Lexington.

而应运而来的是产生了非原创综合病症的克星。And with this creeping comes a new adversary for the not-invented-here syndrome.

还有一个更好的办法就是他可以谈一谈他是怎样一步步走到列克星顿的。Better yet, he simply can tell the story about his improbable path to Lexington.