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甚至在撞车之前,铁路网也一直受故障的困扰。Yet even before the crash, the network was plagued by breakdowns.

即使没有铁路网,东南亚地区也将彼此联系起来。Even without a railway network, the region is tying itself together.

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专家们把这次事伯形容为“一只蚊子撞进了铁路网”。Experts put the event as ' a mosquito bumping into the railway network.'

这些区域铁路网的最终目的是解决交通拥堵问题。A prime goal of these regional networks will be to alleviate travel congestion.

新加坡位于马来半岛铁路网的最南端。Singapore is at the south most end of the railway network of the Malay Peninsula.

东南亚现存的铁路网残破不堪又断断续续,而且资金不足。South-East Asia’s existing network of railways is creaking, patchy and underfunded.

这项计划包括扩大铁路网等基础设施建设项目。The plan includes infrastructure projects, such as an expansion of the rail network.

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提出了铁路网车流经路选择的优化模型,它是一个线性规划问题。We propose an optimization model for the distribution of cars' paths in a railway network.

德国的高速铁路网已经使短程的城市间航班停飞。Germany's high-speed rail network has put paid to short-haul flights between several cities.

这套铁路网可望改善当地的贸易和交通,促进亚洲的一体化进程。The Trans-Asian Railway holds out the promise of improved trade, transport, and integration.

到那时,现有的铁路网系统将会被扩建大约20000km,总长将超过110000km。By then, the existing system will have been expanded by about 20, 000km to more than 110, 000km.

中国铁路跨越式发展战略的核心是实施大规模铁路网建设。China railway leapfrog development strategy focused on large-scale railway network construction.

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德国21,000英里的铁路网中有800英里是高速铁路,平均时速达150英里。Germany's 21, 000-mile rail network now boasts about 800 miles of high-speed track, averaging 150mph.

网络——不管是铁路网、计算机网络还是说某种特定语言的人群-会产生一种磁力。Networks-railroads, computers, or individuals speaking a particular language-exert a kind of magnetic pull.

这与过去20年欧洲高速铁路网扩张期间竞争格局的发展趋势十分相似。This mirrors a similar trend in Europe over the past two decades as high-speed rail networks have expanded.

修建于二战前日本占领朝鲜时期,这条铁路网多年来几乎看不到维护。Built during the pre-WWII Japanese occupation of Korea, the lines have seen little maintenance over the years.

本文分析了泛亚铁路网径路和泛亚铁路在云南境内径路的方案,对构建云南铁路网,形成泛亚铁路网核心节提出了见解。The paper analyzes the options of Trans-Asia Railways Network route and its route in Yunnan province and brings.

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数据也强调了英国政府在局部铁路网中使用电力的计划将减少碳排放。The data also highlights how the UK government's plans to electrify parts of the rail network could cut emissions.

四通八达的公共及个人铁路网为观光提供了便捷,游客们可以步行,也可以骑自行车。A crisscross network of public and private railways makes it easy to explore the entire Lavaux region on foot or by bike.

中国已经有四通八达的铁路网,将进一步修建3100英里的铁路,用于连接这些城市。China which has a well-connected rail network with further build 3,100 miles of railway to be laid to connect the cities.