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所以在这里,我声明。void So here, I say void.

库莫在声明稿中表示.Cuomo said in a statement.

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他接受了这份声明。He accepted the statement.

下面的三个声明。The next three statements.

他们声明反对战争。They declared against war.

说实话,免责声明哦。Truth be told, disclaimer.

你是我声明中的一个奇迹!You are a mand in my life!

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但是有一点我还是得声明。But one thing I have to say.

这是很真诚的一种声明。This is a sincere statement.

Verzosa在一份声明中说。Verzosa said in a statement.

上面这段声明的出处是?The source of this statement?

这项声明是一种赘述。That statement is a tautology.

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我先声明,我爱我的妻子。Let me clarify. I love my wife.

这真是一个绝对论者的声明。Thats a pretty absolutist claim.

我们首先声明一些变量。We first declare some variables.

打印声明也是相同的。With all those print statements.

弌个声明言吾句不能被标记。A declaration cannot be labelled.

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语法错误,错误的数组声明符。Syntax error, bad array declarator.

它表示符号声明。It represents notation declarations.

这个声明我们经常用梯形来围绕。OK? Wow. And notice what I got here.