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那是她平生众多个第一次中的一个,她原本觉得醉酒是那么地自由,多么美妙!She’d been feeling so wonderfully free!

他平生的慰藉是探亲访友,打听消息。Her life's solace was visiting and news.

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法老问雅各说,你平生的年日是多少呢And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou?

平生无一事可瞒人,此是大快。Life can deceive people, all this is big fast.

擀面杖是用来弄平生面团的。A rolling pin was used to smooth out the dough.

我还记得在邓羽平生日那天。I remember when the day of DYP's birthday came.

平生无所好,见此心依然。Nothing better his life, see this heart is still.

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彼得平生第一次看见了大海。For the first time in his life, Peter glimpsed the sea.

平生不做皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。Don't do all things, the world should be no frown teeth.

他的家世、平生艺历都成了大家注目的焦点。His family and art history have been brought into focus.

这是第一次他们所有人平生仅见的小王。It was the first time any of them had ever seen a joker.

汤姆十岁那年,南希向他展示了他平生之中的第一本科普读物。When he was ten, Nancy showed him his first science book.

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叔叔牵着我的手登机,这是我平生第一次坐上大飞机。He held my hand as I boarded an airplane for the first time.

回想你平生最尴尬的几个时刻。Recall several of the most embarrassing moments in your life.

请带我回家,我会用平生来酬报你!Please take me home, I would like to reward you with a lifetime!

东风吹草日高眠,试把平生细问天。East wind on the high grass sleep, try to ask his life fine days.

克里斯·朗顿在苹果电脑上做出了平生第一个人工生命实验。Chris Langton started his first a-life experiments on an Apple II.

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归来却怪丹青手,入眼平生几曾有。Dan-back was strange hand, had a few pleasant to the eye his life.

平生端有活国计,百不一试薶九京。For the end of live national plan, not a hundred Mai Beijing nine.

平生于物之无取,消受山中水一杯。Life in the content of no, cannot enjoy mountain water in the cup.