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就我来说,我习惯为未来拟定计划。For me, I make plans for the future.

你拟定出最好的工作流程了吗?Have you mapped out your best workflow?

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协助拟定推荐人员名单。Help to decide recommend personnel list.

他拟定了一个计划,并将这个计划交给他的老师。He drew a plan for it that he gave his teacher.

他已拟定了这个学期的工作计划。He had already schemed the work plan this term.

鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action.

到了一九四七年,他拟定了征服华北的新计划。By 1947, he drew up a new plan to conquer North China.

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拟定计划将拟定每周和每日打看成为例行老例。Establish a routine of planning your week and your day.

研究拟定提高我市质量水平的发展战略规划和政策措施。To manage and guide the work regarding quality in the city.

参与有关税收法规和制度的拟定。to participate in formulating related taxation regulations.

而在阿富汗,部族间的争斗可能会使拟定好的计划失效。in Afghanistan, tribal rivalries may undo the best-laid plans.

佩斯利所拟定的计划在当时的情况下看来非常恰当。In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.

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我们花太多时间在策略拟定上,却很少或几乎没有执行。We spend too much time strategizing with little to no execution.

你将按拟定婚前协议的时间长短来付费。You will be charged based on how long the prenup takes to write.

帮助教练给我们队拟定一个五年计划。He is helping the coach ready for the five-year plan of our team.

据此拟定益气养阴、活血清热之法,遣药制成平心方治疗本病。This subject regards promoting Qi and Yin as principle of therapy.

拟定出接下来三次写作时段,最好不要晚于下周。Block out your next three sessions – ideally, within the next week.

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拟定一个合适的新社员训练计划并与所有扶轮社分享。Request that all clubs participate in a PolioPlus Partners project.

星期一,谈判进程将随着拟定决议草案开始。On Monday the negotiation process will begin with a draft resolution.

各种简报与演讲辞的拟定及表达训练。The drafting and expressing in any kinds of power point and speaking.