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这里有健康的托词。There's a subterfuge of health.

他的托词只是缓兵之计。What he said is just to delay the time.

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像这些官僚式的托词只影响了一小范围。Such bureaucratic subterfuge works on a small scale.

在这样的背景下,随机或随缘都是一种托词。In this context, random or revel is a kind of excuse.

她已经整理好了自己的思路,准备了一个合理的托词。She had marshalled her thoughts and had a legitimate excuse ready.

当然,人们总是可以把“市场情绪”当作托词。But, of course, there is always “market sentiment” to fall back on.

但这时他的心绞痛忽然发作,于是托词回书房取药。But when his angina suddenly attack, then tried to get medicine study.

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他竭力为自己迟到辩解,但是,我们不相信他的托词。He tried to explain away his lateness, but we didn't accept his excuse.

没有人被他的托词糊弄,打电话的事被揭穿之后,他被解雇了。His excuse didn’t fly, and he was fired when the calls were discovered.

你为什么用提供托词来解释她失踪的几个小时,这实实在在地鼓励了她。Why would you actually encourage her by supplying alibis for her missing hours?

现在是抛弃为回避艰巨的民主工作而制造的那所有一切托词的时候了。It is time to abandon the excuses that are made to avoid the hard work of democracy.

这是那里是有可能的一个“恶梦”的托词关于网站开始。This is where it is possible for a "nightmare" of subterfuge regarding a site to begin.

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我们都有要改写历史的原因。有时候我们需要给自己找一些托词。We all have reasons for rewriting history. Sometimes we need to provide ourselves alibis.

当时已离职很久的施佩尔表示,停止该项目没有任何托词。Stempel, who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved.

莫斯科市长办公室以暑假为托词,拒绝对此作出官方评价。The Moscow mayor's office, citing summer holidays, declined to make an official available for comment.

到年底仍由申祥甫出面,托词年成不好,家长们出不起学钱,辞退了周进。By the end of the year, Shen Hsiang-fu found an excuse to dismiss Chou Chin, and he returned to his home.

他知道,“对摄影师来说,所谓的事实只是他即兴创作的一种托词,就如同爵士乐一样。”He already knows that "reality, for the photographer, is a pretext on which one improvises , as in jazz".

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想必财政部会托词说,他们到那时才有时间。I think this is what the Treasury Department says, that they are kinda busy with other things until then.

所罗门女士指出,她胖乎乎的而天真无邪,看似诚实,其实用“幽默作托词,亲密作烟幕”。Cherubic and deceptively guileless, she used "humour as a dodge, intimacy as a smoke screen", Ms Salomon notes.

托词一般是私家侦探装扮成另一个的身份,这样就可以取得其私人信息。Pretexting is when private investigators identify themselves as someone else so they will be given personal information.