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他以为是一个黑皮袄就拿了起来。He thinks is a black fur-lined jacket was taken.

他身穿短皮袄,罩上一件丝绸里子的雅致的蓝色长身上衣。He wore a fine blue silk -lined full coat, put on over a fur pelisse.

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要是他掉进水里,他还有新棉裤,还有老羊皮袄。If he dropped into water, he had a new wadded pants, and one sheepskin coat.

过路客人用那老年人习惯做事的手收拾好东西,扣上皮袄。After packing his things with his practised old hands, the traveller buttoned up his sheepskin.

第一个谜语是站着没有坐着,一个四季穿皮袄,老朋友来了点点头,陌生人来了大声叫。Stood the first riddle is not sitting, a four seasons wear fur jacket, old friends to nodded, a stranger called out.

当地还有句俗语叫“后山三件宝,莜面、山药、烂皮袄”。The villagers have a saying "The back mountain has three treasures, naked oats, Chinese yams, and worn fur-lined jackets".

他被子褥子齐全,还有一件老羊皮袄,按平均主义的原则,他也应该睡在门口。He had quilts and ticks, and also had a old sheep skin fur-lined jacket, by the equalitarian rule, it was his turn to sleep at the door.

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克雷里卓夫身穿土皮袄,头戴羔皮帽,嘴上包着一块手绢,看上去更加消瘦和苍白。Dressed in a sheepskin coat, with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief, he seemed paler and thinner than ever.

在阿赫罗西莫娃的接待室,一名仆役替皮埃尔脱下皮袄时说,玛丽亚·德米特里耶夫娜请他到卧室里去。In Marya Dmitryevna's entrance-hall the footman, as he took off Pierre's fur coat, told him that his mistress begged him to come to her in her bedroom.

罗斯托夫完全忘记了杰尼索夫,他并不希望有人抢在前头去禀告,于是脱下皮袄,踮着脚尖跑进这个昏暗的大厅。Rostov, completely forgetting Denisov, flung off his fur coat and, anxious that no one should prepare the way for him, he ran on tip-toe into the big, dark reception-hall.

“我有几百卢布,无处可花,可是她穿着一件破皮袄站在这里,畏葸地望着我,”皮埃尔想道,“干嘛需要这些钱?"I have hundreds of roubles I don't know what to do with, and she's standing in her torn cloak looking timidly at me, " thought Pierre. "And what does she want the money for?

实际上,从大的方面来说陕北老乡的羊皮袄子、东北群众的狗皮帽子等都属于皮毛服装、服饰的范畴。In fact, from the larger context of Northeast mass in sheep fur-lined jacket of a child, villagers in northern Shaanxi are fur garments such as dog-skin hat, apparel category.

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阿纳托利从房里走出来,过了几分钟又走回来,他身穿一件束着银腰带的短皮袄,雄赳赳地歪歪地戴着一顶与他那清秀的面孔很相称的貂皮帽子。ANATOLE went out of the room, and a few minutes later he came back wearing a fur pelisse, girt with a silver belt, and a sable cap, jauntily stuck on one side, and very becoming to his handsome face.