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她的文风倾向于雕琢。Her style tends to elaboration.

事实上,作家文风的形成因素是多方面的,刘琨也不例外。In fact, many things shape cultural style. LiuKun is one example too.

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自然流畅的文风,不应该以牺牲忠实为代价。Natural style, however, should not be conquered at the expense of fidelity.

检查文中有没有逻辑问题,文风是否得当。Find out if thereare logical arguments in your paper and the proper style is used.

优雅严谨的文风强调的是精确,深刻和优雅。A lapidary style of literary writing stresses precision, depth and lean refinement.

在他的新著中,作者一改他贯有的华丽文风,转而采用了较为朴实的文体。In his new book, the writer has switched from his usual pompous style to a plainer manner.

清乾隆后,文风日下,百余年间竟无中第者。Qing Emperor Qianlong, the style Kusakabe, over a hundred years, not even the first of those.

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高度重视文风建设是我们党一以贯之的优良传统。Paying more attention in the style of writing is the good traditions of our Party all the time.

在这文风的转变中权近作出了非同一般的积极贡献。In this style Quan Jin has changed the past and has made a positive contribution to the unusual.

其书在形成过程中被一再修润,故其文风类似东汉人。The book was polished time and again so that its style is similar to that of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

他的创作主张和实践在冲决浮靡的西昆诗风和文风、为宋诗的发展开辟新道路方面作出了突出的贡献。He made great contribution to opening the new path for the development of the poems in the Song Dynasty.

雍容平正的台阁文风盛行于明代前期。The writing style of the Imperial Ministries was prevalent throughout the first part of the Ming dynasty.

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那不加润饰的文风给后世译经事业留下一个好榜样。The writing style without polished have set us a good example to the aftertime translation of Scriptures.

其散文是诗意与思美的结合,具有感情真挚纯美,文风朴实优美自然的特点。With this simple, graceful and natural writing style, most of the proses show his sincere and pure emotions.

权近曾作为朝鲜朝最初的文衡,对朝鲜朝前期文风的形成影响颇深。As the original text of the DPRK, Quan Jin has deeply impacted the early style towards the formation of DPRK.

我再次感到它似乎就在昨天才完稿,无论是文风,它的文化意义,还是对我个人而言。Like always though it felt like it could have been written yesterday stylistically, culturally and personally.

创新教育的关键是文化创新,其主要方面是学风与文风。The creative education essentially lies in the cultural creation, exactly in a good style of study and writing.

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在描述共有财产、债券、以及国债的同时,他诙谐会话式的文风会一直吸引着你。His jocular, conversational tone will keep you interested as he describes mutual funds, bonds, and treasury bills.

藏书是一种雅好,文风鼎盛,鸿儒硕彦荟萃的苏州,留下了数量可观的藏书楼。Collecting books is a good penchant. In Suzhou were left substantial numbers of private books preserving libraries.

不少人误认为文字俚俗便是文风平易,信笔写去即为不加雕饰。Many people mistake a familiar for a vulgar style, and suppose that to write without affectation is to write at random.