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你放开执掌他的那双手,一个浪头。You go in his hands, a wave.

但是让一个未经检验的年轻人在一个存在70岁以上老人政治阴谋的好战国家执掌权力会带来很多问题。But installing an untested young man at the top of a

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巴恩斯也曾经在1999-2000赛季执掌过凯尔特人。He also had a spell in charge of Celtic in 1999-2000.

野田佳彦是松下政经塾第一位执掌日本的校友。Mr Noda is the first Matsushita alumnus to lead Japan.

随后,他当场任命了一位新的管理者执掌这个团队。Then he named a new executive on the spot to run the team.

里皮应邀从那波利来到都灵执掌教鞭。Lippi was brought from Napoli to Turin to aid in the turn around.

他表示,对基林格继续执掌大权的并不感到激动。He said he is less thrilled that Mr. Killinger remains in command.

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卡尔扎伊总统至少在这段过渡时刻依然执掌政权。Staying in power, at least for the mean time, is President Karzai.

还有这一家,由另一位家族成员,罗斯·帕金斯执掌。And this one, run by yet another member of the family, Rose Perkins.

如果真的发生了,他所执掌的公司应该是主要原因。But if they do, the company he runs will be the primary cause of it.

历尽生死磨难,马翠芬终于执掌唐家。Gone through life and death, suffering, Ma Cuifen finally helm Tang.

1973年,阿根廷前任总统胡安。贝隆重新执掌政权。In 1973, former Argentine president Juan Peron was returned to power.

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从长远看来,菲尼先生无疑仍希望执掌自由人民新党。In the long term, no doubt, Mr Fini still aspires to the PdL leadership.

他要执掌权柄,从这海直到那海,从大河直到地极。He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.

奥雷·舍人曾执掌北京央视新大楼的设计与建造。Ole Scheeren led the design and construction of the new CCTV headquarters.

上述评价出自卡罗尔•巴茨昔日执掌的一家公司的董事会成员之口。That comment came from a board director of a company helmed by Carol Bartz.

未来属于花花公子,而正是这些纨裤子弟将执掌权柄。The future belongs to the dandy. It is the exquisites who are going to rule.

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今年到目前为止至少有8家由亿万富豪执掌的对冲基金业绩平平或下跌。At least 8 hedge funds run by billionaires are flat or down so far this year.

如果他的名单上的人表现强硬,他和他夫人将可以继续执掌政权。If his list performs strongly, he and his wife will keep their hold on power.

抗日斗士金日成就此执掌了北朝鲜大权。Kim Il-sung, an anti-Japanese resistance fighter, took the reins in the North.