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为什么要从句子成分学起?Why should we start from the sentence constituent?

我在做划分句子成分的练习。We are doing exercises on dividing sentence elements.

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分析句子成分就能多了解一些英语语法。By analysing the parts of the sentence we learn more about English grammar.

通过分析句子成分,我们可以学习更多的语法。By analyzing the parts of the sentence, we learn more about English grammar.

通过分析句子成分我们可以更多地了解英语语法。By analyzing the parts of the sentence, we can learn more about English grammar.

最后,通过逐步归约句子成分,推导出汉语句法结构树。Finally, by inducing sentence constituents, the syntactic structures are learned.

句子成分和短语成分属于不同层面,只有主语和谓语属句子成分,其余均属短语成分。Only the subject and the predicate are sentence elements while the rest are phrase elements.

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在句法功能上,它可以充当主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语等各种句子成分。In its syntactical function, it can serve as subject, predicate, object, attribute, adverbial and complement.

“这NP”是日常生活中的一种常见结构,它可以以句子成分、句子等多种形式存在。"Zhe NP"is a kind of common structure in our life, it can exist as the form of sentence element , sentence and so on.

因为,英语的名词和形容词保留它们的形式而不改变,不顾它们在句子成分里的语法规则。English nouns and adjectives retain their form, unchanged, regardless of the grammatical role they play in a sentence.

语气词是满语虚词的一类,是本身没有词汇意义,表示句子各种语气,或为句子成分增加情态意义的词。As function words, Manchu mood words are used to express kinds of moods, tones and manners of speaking without lexical meanings.

句法上主要考察了“V起来”可以充当的句子成分以及与“起来”搭配的动词的特点和分类。In the aspect of syntax, it mainly studies the elements of the sentence which"Vqilai"can be and the characteristics and categories of V.

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他们增加了句子成分的清晰度,吸引人注意并提高句子的连贯性,但是如果使用过度,也会增加句子的戏剧性,对句子造成破坏性。They add clarity, call attention to sentence elements and improve the "flow, " but they also add drama and are destructive if over-used.

句法上主要考察了“V上去”可以充当的句子成分以及与“上去”搭配的动词的特点和分类。In the aspect of syntax, it mainly studies the elements of the sentence which"Vshangqu"can be and the characteristics and categories of V.

统计并研究了各句子成分数的一致性的模式、频率、特征、相关句子。Third, the paper counted and studied the model, frequency, character and related sentences of every sentence element's numeral consistency.

在这一部分里,论述了定语同其他句子成分——主语、谓语、宾语与状语的语义角色变换。This part makes an investigation on the role transforming from attributes to other elements, namely, subjects, predicates, objects and adverbials.

主题化,又称为主位前置,指将句子成分从原来的位置移至句首,而在原位置留下空位。Topicalization, or fronted theme, refers to certain sentence constituent that moves to the initial position and leaves a trace in the original place.

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句子成分之间的数的一致性是中世纪蒙古语语法、句法的重要特点。The numeral consistency between sentence elements is the most important character of Mongolian grammar and sentence structure in the Middle Mongolian.

利用生成的双语模板,可以得到翻译记忆系统所需要的句子成分级的英汉翻译单元。The translation units of English-Chinese from the slots of the templates are obtained by extracting contents of the slots for translation memory system.

通过改变词序来实现强调的手段主要有“句子成分的后移”和“句子成分的前置”,而“成分后移”在这两种主要的强调手段中又占主要部分。Postpositioning the sentence elements and prepositioning sentence elements are the two major means of stress by shifting the order of words in a sentence.