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我们的悉心照料得到了回报。Our care paid off.

你必须照料好这只电子狗。You must take care of thee-dog.

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我身边有个病孩要照料。I have a sick child on my hands.

你要出去?那谁来照料这婴儿。Attend to what your teacher says.

她患病时得到了无微不至的照料。She was coddled when she was ill.

我有一位好医生照料我。I have a good doctor attending me.

库尔班仍然细心照料他。KuErBan still took good care of him.

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马西的妻子简直像妈妈一样照料着他。Massy's wife mothers him dreadfully.

他精心照料生病的牲畜。He's good at caring for sick animals.

我很习惯于自己照料自己。I'm quite used to fending for myself.

母亲昼夜照料婴儿。Mother nursed the baby day and night.

妈妈在生活上细心地照料我。Mother takes good care of me in life.

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她精心照料丈夫,直到他康复。She nursed her husband back to health.

杂草是在无人照料情况下生长的。The weeds grow without people to help.

这一家人全由妈妈来照料。The household is in the care of Mother.

我们有托儿所及照料儿童的服务。We have a crèche and childcare services.

他的妻子把他们的女儿照料得很好。His wife looked after their daughter well.

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因此他的两个最大的粉丝得到了悉心照料。So his two biggest fans are taken care of.

比如,丈夫出远门时,妻子照料家庭。They ran it when he was away, for example.

你的责任是非谓语动词的用法照料这个病孩。Your duty is to look after the sick child.