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伪装遮障以其伪装性能好、适应能力强、作业简单、携带方便而在现代战争中被广泛采用。Camouflage screen is widely used because of its favorable performance, better adaptability, briefness and facility.

研究方法和结论可用于散射吸收型防雷达伪装遮障的设计。These research methods and results can be used to design the scattering and absorbing type anti-radar camouflage screen.

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在对遮障材料性能要求分析的基础上,提出了一种新型雷达波衰减型红外迷彩伪装遮障材料的设计方案。It is presented in this paper that how to design a traffic data collection system with high performance based on DSP and Microwave radar.

针对多波段伪装遮障设计方案的优选问题,提出了基于灰色系统理论的灰色关联度分析法。To study scheme selection decision of muti-band camouflage screen design, a gray correlation analysis method is put forward by gray system theory.

本文在对遮障材料性能要求分析的基础上,提出了一种新型雷达波衰减型红外迷彩伪装遮障材料的设计方案。The precept of a new type of shed materials is researched, which can attenuate radar wave and confront the infrared detection by distortion pattern paint.

研究表明,当激光光斑尺寸较大时,激光束能量较分散,泡沫遮障层对激光束的干扰效果较好。From the results of calculation and analysis, it shows that the bigger dimension of laser spot and the less focused, the better interference effect will be.

控制的主要方法有遮障、表面处理、外形技术、主动冷却、总体设计等。Signature control can be accomplished with a variety of methods such as obscuration, surface appliques, shape tailoring, active cooling and integrated designs.

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热红外伪装遮障材料的制备是研制超轻型多波段伪装遮障的关键技术之一。The manufacture of the material of thermal infrared camouflage screen is one of the key technology which can develop supper-light multi-wave camouflage screen.

在对遮障材料性能要求分析的基础上,提出了一种新型雷达波衰减型红外迷彩伪装遮障材料的设计方案。In this paper the precept of a new type of shed materials is researched which can attenuate radar wave and confront the infrared detect by distorting pattern paint.

不锈钢纤维具有良好的导电性,可适宜制作特种行业的工作服,也可适宜制作军用反雷达侦察伪装遮障用基础布。Good electroconductive property of stainless steel fibre is used in making work clothing of special fields, and in making military screening based cloth of antiradar scout.

以静态红外伪装网技术为基础,结合动态伪装技术概念,提出卷帘式遮障对抗红外成像制导武器的设想。Based on the technology of static camouflage nets and the conception of dynamic distortion camouflage, we raise the theory of using shutter-camouflage nets against IR guide weapons.