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他泄露了帮凶。He gave away his accomplices.

我们谴责保六员警是帮凶!We condemn the security police is accomplices!

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也不知怎的,我们每人都是她毁容的帮凶。Somehow, we are all complicit in her ruination.

摄像师和记者都是帮凶!The cameraman and reporter are accomplices to this.

最后一件你需要知道的事情是,鲁莽的人再加上形势做帮凶,那就完蛋了。The last thing you need is a hot-head with state-backing.

她是她丈夫谋杀一个老富翁的帮凶。She was her husband's accomplice in murdering a rich old man.

当一件犯罪行为在寻找助力,他们便转租帮凶。When a crime was in quest of arms, they under-let their accomplices.

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但是我也认为,暴政需要帮凶才能成事。I do think, however, that tyranny requires an environment of collusion.

当民众都讨厌银行家时,他们每次被视为华尔街的帮凶。Both are seen as Wall Street’s acolytes at a time when everyone hates bankers.

我们要毫不退缩地严厉打击恐怖分子及其帮凶。We shall strike hard, without flinching, at terrorists and those who abet them.

瑟吉·塞马克夺走了我在乎的一切,而科彻是他的帮凶。Sergei Semak stole everything that mattered to me, and Kochenko helped him do it.

令我们沮丧的是,我们没有发现马克思是资本主义的帮凶。It was not that we discovered to our dismay that Marx was inthe pay of capitalism.

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拉博埃蒂指出暴君以及他的主要帮凶很少活到天年。La Boétie notes that the tyrant and his chiefs rarely live out their natural ends.

她们由封建制度的受害者,变成封建统治者的帮凶。Their victims from the feudal system, become the accomplices of the feudal rulers.

少量的uv射线照射引起的维生素D转化不足是这个问题的帮凶。Lack of UV exposure for vitamin D conversion is another co-factor for this problem.

维希政府是德国纳粹残害住在法国的犹太人的帮凶之一。Vichy government was the accessory of Nazi to massacre the Jews who lived in France.

由于历史传统和现实需要,维希政府成为德国纳粹残害犹太人的帮凶之一。Vichy government was the accessory of Nazi to massacre the Jews who lived in France.

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如果一旦妥协,谷歌公司无疑就是中国政府压制言论的帮凶。To give in now would make Google into an accomplice of Dhina's repressive government.

就如我们的所怀疑的说,要毁灭是他们的目标,美国还是帮凶呢!If ruination is their goal, as some of us suspect, then this is the perfect accomplice.

帮凶是年约25岁男子,他敲开69岁受害者的门,向她兜售香烟。The man, about 25, knocked at the 69-year-old woman's home offering to sell her tobacco.