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它是一首能彪炳若干世纪的佳作。It was a poem of centuries.

但是他们不年轻,却是彪炳的男人。But they weren't young, dashing men.

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他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。He's worth three chapters in a textbook.

你可以让你的人格彪炳!You can let your personality shine through!

衷心祝福队友们在我归来的时候取得彪炳的战绩。I wish my teammates a million successes until I get back.

下周再回来看看,我这里还有葵花宝典的另五大绝招,此功练成,你在PPT设计界即可彪炳千秋!Check back next week for the next five awesome tips for better presentation design!

清晰袋糖使糖的颜色和质地彪炳。Clear bags for Can Sugar allow the colour and texture of the sugar to shine through.

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我不在乎成绩是否彪炳,我只在乎自己是否在每一个课程都学到点东西。I didn't care whether I got good grades, I cared about doing something in every course.

让你的个性,以彪炳当你写有关产品时,你知道这么好。Allow your personality to shine through when you write about the products you know so well.

在中国哲学发展史上,道家以其独特的理论风貌彪炳于世。In Chinese philosophical history, Taoism is prevalent in the world by its unique theory style.

长达51英里的巴拿马运河开通了大西洋与太平洋之间的航线,彪炳航运史册。The 51mile Panama Canal made shipping history when it opened a route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

古代文明留传给我们的浩瀚遗产乃是建筑与设计最堪彪炳的地方之一。Ancient times civilization's staying to pass our extensive inheritances is a building and design most may one of the glorious places.

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好在他的混合模式,你可以使纹理较深的颜色和变化,但相应的层将永远彪炳。The good thing about his blending mode is that you can make textures darker and change the colour, but the Base layer will always shine through.

郭沫若于书法艺术世界的建构留下宝贵的遗产,他的书法成就也足以彪炳后人。However, it should be realized that from the perspective of calligraphy art construction, Guo was still away from becoming a real master of calligraphy.

我们上赛季对阵四强球队战绩彪炳,但我们主场对其他俱乐部的平局过多,这意味着在进入收官阶段时,我们并没有处在一个很好的位置。We did really well against the top four teams last season but we drew too many games at home against other clubs which meant we weren't in a strong position going into the last few matches.