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这种木料受潮容易变形。This wood warps easily in damp conditions.

皮革受潮可变质。Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions.

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勿让本产品淋雨或受潮。Keep this product away from rain and wetness.

在夏天雨季大米已受潮发霉。The rice dampened and molded during the summer rains.

羞涩的眼色碰上受潮的烟,倏忽,哀愁的眼孔通红。Those of black smoke came damp, suddenly, the guy red sad.

这药因受潮失去了效力。The drug has lost its potence by being exposed to moisture.

如果家具受潮,就要把它烘干或者放在太阳底下晒。Dry the furniture or leave out in the sun if it becomes wet.

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放置的地面要保持干燥,防止受潮、碱化。The ground of the place to keep dry, prevent moisture, said.

这样做会有助于阻止样品不必要的受潮。Doing so would help prevent the sample from becoming unnecessarily moist.

每个纸箱都内衬防水纸,因而不会受潮京东怎么取消订单和被雨水侵蚀。Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that can't be oiled by dame or rain.

为避免货物在运输途中受潮,包装还要注意做到防潮。The packing should also moisture-proof to avoid the effect of damp in transit.

为了防止焊条药皮受潮,焊条应放于干燥箱内。Electrode shall be kept in the dryer to prevent the covering from being damped.

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他们把损失归咎于长途海运中受潮了。They attributed the damage to the effect of dampness during the long sea voyage.

他们把货损归咎于长途海运中受潮了。They attributed the damage to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.

必须防止电缆头受潮或进水。The cable should be stored carefully, avoiding the humidity and water infiltration.

如果面积是湿或受潮,你应该总是干出先从事任何工作。If the area is wet or damp, you should always dry it out first before performing any work.

搭设工作棚或设防护罩,防止卷扬机暴晒,雨淋,积水受潮。Set the workshop or shelter to protect the hoisting machine from the sun, rain and humidity.

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在机修厂中,应该检查有没有因为受潮造成造成电机内部短路或者接地。In the shop, the motor should be checked for any short circuits or grounding caused by moisture.

本品避免受热受潮,请拧紧铝盖,打开后及时使用。Avoid exposing to heat and moisture, screw down the aluminium lid, use immediately after opening up.

但花生米很容易受潮变霉,产生致癌性很强的黄曲霉菌毒素。However, moisture can easily become moldy peanuts, resulting in highly carcinogenic toxin aflatoxin.