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今晚是一个欢庆的盛会。This is a time to celebrate.

闭幕式也是一个大的盛会。The closing ceremony is one big party.

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任何盛会都会有点宣传成分。There’s a bit of propaganda in any pageant.

人生就是一场盛会,充分地参与进来吧。Life is a grand event, participate in it fully.

许多知名人士出席了这次盛会。Many well-known figures attended the grand conference.

今年一共有数百只猎狐犬参加这一盛会。Hundreds of hounds participated in the event this year.

你我的盛会蔓延到天际。The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky.

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即将在中国举行的GTI发布当是盛会一场。For China, the upcoming GTI launch is a noticeable event.

这个壮观的盛会使本届运动会取得开门红。The spectacular gala got the games off to a flying start.

湖人资深顾问德克斯温特打算要参加本次盛会。Longtime Lakers consultant Tex Winter is planning to attend.

出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter.

这会是多么荣耀的一个盛会啊!What a glorious gathering of the ransomed that is going to be!

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中国国家高级领导人也届临了此次盛会。Some high-level persons from the government also visited the event.

感谢你盛情地邀请我参加这次盛会。Thank you for graciously inviting me to join this august gathering.

第十届西博会,将是一届共享品质生活的盛会。The 10th West Lake Expo will focus on the quality life of Hangzhou.

国际XXX展是一届不容错过的世界级盛会!International XXX Expo 2008 is a world class event not to be missed!

该颁奖典礼是个两年一度的盛会,有许多达官显贵会参加。The award ceremony is a biennial event attended by many dignitaries.

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大家晚上好,欢迎各位莅临今晚盛会。Good evening and a big welcome to this special and festive gathering.

今年的第62届戛纳电影盛会以一部美术动画片打响首炮。The 62nd Cannes Film Festival opened with an animated movie called Up.

这是隆重的黑蝴蝶结盛会,赴会者均须穿著特别庄重的服装。This is a black-tie event. People have to wear special formal clothes.