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他这个人真不争气。This chap has let us down.

我已经知道那些个不争气的车子。I already knew about the lousy cars.

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淘气的男孩有时会成为争气的孩子。Naughty boys sometimes make good men.

在我们离开的那一天,我那不争气的眼泪禁不住流了下来。The day we left, I could not be tears stream down.

在我们离开的那一天,我那不争气的眼泪禁不住流了下来。I couldn't control my tears on the day when we left.

请问“没有不景气、只有不争气”该怎麽翻呢?There is no recession, only you don't make any effort.

我也是个不争气的,过不了几日,便心软地把他哄回来。I was not good, after a few days, he softened his back.

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可我要是因此就堕落那就是我的不争气。But I would fall so that if I do not live up to expectations.

他们还在相信他那不争气的内阁,和他那短浅的政治眼光吗?Are they convinced by his cabinet and his vision, such as it is?

忽然想起你,笑了笑自己,怪自己不争气又想起了你。Suddenly think of you, laugh yourself, blame myself and think of you.

你不用担心我会抛弃你,除非你自己不争气。You need not be afraid of my deserting you, unless you give me cause.

或许我真的很不争气,屡屡让她失望吧。Perhaps I really do not disappointing, it has repeatedly let her down.

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兆荣回家看见至孝在做甜品,斥他不争气。Trillion home see to filial piety do dessert, denounced him unwillingly.

这时,我那不争气的泪水落了下来,滴在了小红的手上。At this time, fail to live up my tears fall down, drop in a little red hands.

星洲的进取和争气,不应该理解为野心和垄断。Such efforts should not be seen as actions driven by ambition and monopolism.

他们很争气,在我们的资助下用功读书,考上大学。They are to live up to expectations, in our study hard, under-funded, university.

“阿申,看看,你为什么不争气呢?”有点多愁善感的司令官说。"Look Ah Seng, why don't you shape up?"said the CO, who was something of a softie.

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妈妈时常告诉我们要争气,不要让本家那些人瞧不起。Mom always tells us to do our best not to let those who look down on the same clan.

教授们常说我们女人不太认真,要为自己争气。Professors told us women that we were not serious enough and we had to prove ourselves.

上小学的我,却是那么的不争气,成绩一般般,作风还邋遢,经常留校。Primary school on me, it is so disappointing, grades so-so, style also dirty, often stay.