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家家户户烧纸钱,安鬼平和鬼团圆。Every family, Ann demons and ghosts.

他把纸钱扔到火里。He threw the paper money in the fire.

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你可以学一下。这是我们烧的纸钱。You can learn. It is ghost money we can burn.

同着一手把的纸钱的灰。Along with the ash of a handful of paper offerings.

有些地方还会给列祖列宗烧金箔纸钱。In some places, still can give a LieZuLieZong burning gold foil paper.

我看见旁边的人有些烧纸钱,还有人哭。I saw the person next to some of the burning paper money and people cry.

他的朋友和野人为他的去世烧香和焚烧纸钱。His friends and family burnt incense and Chinese money for the afterlife.

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当烧香和纸钱时,他们相信佛祖会保佑我们家。When the burn sticks and paper's money, they believe joss can bless my family.

他把钱丢到地上,并用鞋子把纸钱踩进地里。And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.

他们在商店前的铁桶里烧纸钱,祈求好财运。The owners burn it in metal cans in front of their stores and pray for good business.

在寺庙外头,小贩吆喝着人们买纸钱、供品,或是一柱柱的香。Outside, vendors encourage people to buy ghost money, food offerings, or incense sticks.

在…后,一小群人哀悼者正在一个炉子里撒纸钱。Behind the main temple, a small crowd of mourners shovels fake paper banknotes into a furnace.

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拜谒的时候通常要烧香、纸钱和面额动辄千亿的冥币。The visitors normally burn incenses, "paper money" and "Hell Bank Notes" each "worth" multi-billions.

送祖时,纸钱冥财烧得很多,以便“祖先享用”。Zu sent when the paper money burned a lot of financial offerings in order to "enjoy their ancestors."

我也按照旧的习俗,扫墓的时候,我和爸爸、妹妹带着酒食果品、纸钱等东西来。I also according to the old customs, grave, dad, sister and I take especially fruit, paper money, etc.

阎王通常戴着一顶乌纱帽,纸钱上也会有他的形象。Yan Wang is normally depicted wearing a Chinese judge's cap and sometimes appears on Chinese Hell Bank Notes.

北侧错过了他们的亲人在攀登国王嘉善,距离镇焚烧纸钱。Kitagawa miss their loved ones had to climb across the King of Jiashan, a distance of the town burning paper money.

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粱江乃一人回到客厅﹐计划依照中国的风俗烧些纸钱送给死者。Liang Jan went back to the hall alone, planning to burn the incenses for the dead according to the Chinese tradition.

人们奉献食物、花朵和死者喜爱之物,然后焚香、燃烧纸钱,在墓碑前鞠躬。People offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

点燃又一只烟,他皱皱眉向地上堆着的一捆“纸钱”做个手势,接着叹口气。Lighting another cigarette, he frowned and gestured towards a bale of “hell money” lying in a pile on the floor, then sighed.