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但社会媒体给遵循职业操守的新闻工作者提出了新的挑战。But social media pose new challenges for the ethical journalist.

职业新闻工作者协会的职业道德守则阐明,它是一项自愿的道德操守指南。By its own terms, the SPJ code is a voluntary guide to ethical behavior.

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在保证警察道德操守这个问题上没有简单的途径。There are no easy solutions to the problem of ensuring police integrity.

台外合约工作人员必须遵守自由亚洲电台的新闻职业操守。Outside contractors should adhere to our standards of journalistic ethics.

我们评价员工不但是看他们的工作表现还看他们的操守。Our workers are not only evaluated by their performance but also their conduct.

我坚持自己的职业操守,绝不会为美色所诱惑。I stick to my professional virtues, and will never be allured by beautiful women.

当你接受某一份工作的时候,那么这工作上所包含的职业操守职业道德也一并赋予了你。When you accept a job, the work and professional ethics is endowed to you as well.

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没有价值观、没有信仰、没有操守、见利忘义、无耻无聊的时代No values, no belief, no integrity, forgetting what is right, shameless frivolous era

在一份声明中,Koskinen赞扬了Kellermann的“卓越的职业操守和诚实的品格”。In a statement, Koskinen praised Kellermann's "extraordinary work ethic and integrity".

更早些时候,操守问题迫使被提名出任商务部长的比尔.理查森退出。Earlier, ethics questions prompted Commerce Secretary Designee Bill Richardson to withdraw.

所以要好的写真,不能去影楼,找操守好的摄影师拍吧。So good photo, photo studio can not go, look for good conduct of photographers to shoot it.

就像其他自尊的超级英雄一样,神奇的教皇大侠也有一整套特殊装备,除了黄色斗篷和绿色操守裤以外,他还持一根“信念手杖”,其顶部有个十字架。Like any self-respecting super-hero, the Incredible Popeman has a battery of special equipment.

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许多警察部门对其警务人员的道德操守只有一般要求。Many police departments have only modest expectations for the ethical conduct of their officers.

在临床医学中,保密一直是医师们尊奉的圭臬和操守。In clinical practice, confidentiality is always the ethical criterion and conduct for clinicians.

结果证明操守是由五个一阶因素组成的二阶因素。The results confirmed the integrity acts as a second-order factor with five first-order dimensions.

同时,因为操守贞洁而受到诗意赞美的人,贯穿了弥尔顿的早期作品。And the figure of the poetic rewards for chastity continues to surface throughout Milton's early works.

大多数的医生有职业操守,合理收费,不会欺诈病人。Most doctors and therapists will not charge an unreasonable rate both for ethical and practical reasons.

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诚信为本,操守为重,坚持准则,不作假帐,是会计职业道德建设的重要内容。It is important to keep faithfulness, adhere to principle and never do false accounts in accounting work.

尽管这根源于一种良好的职业操守,但却使我认为对睡眠的需求是一种软弱的表现。While this was rooted in a good-natured work ethic, it led me to view needing sleep as a sign of weakness.

然而正是这种坚定的精神操守才给当下庸常窒闷的文坛带来了一丝清凉之气与希望之光。However, it is this firm spiritual personality that brings some hope to the current tedious literary field.