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还有成千上万的军人负伤归来。Thousands more have been wounded.

接时将会有成千上万的人观看。There will be thousands watching it.

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成千上万的人拒绝缴纳他们的税款。Thousands refused to pay their taxes.

每个应用程序有成千上万的用户。Each app has hundreds of thousands of users.

成千上万的贵族住在那里,多么无聊Ten thousand nobles lived there. How boring!

成千上万的水鸟在湖边繁衍后代。Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake.

成千上万的人去花市。Thousands of people go to the flower markets.

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我仔细看过成千上万条这种征聘广告了。I have go through thousands of these want ads.

成千上万的观众中的一些高呼“U.Some of the thousands of onlookers chanted "U.

成千上万只灯笼慢慢漂向大海。Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea.

我们从远处瞥见了喜马拉雅山,就是被成千上万的蚊子叮咬也值得了。Even the thousand mosquito bites seem worth it.

他曾在体育馆里的成千上万人面前表演。He performed in stadiums, in front of thousands.

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我已经找到一个赚成千上万美元的方法。I have found a way to make thousands of dollars.

网络上有成千上万的信息供选择。The Web has a wealth of information and options.

成千上万的人站在列队行进路线的两旁。Thousands of people lined the processional mute.

中国有成千上万的钢琴家为出人头第而拼挣。Millions of pianists in China were vying for fame.

成千上万的精子试图是卵细胞受精。Numerous sperm trying to to fertilise a human egg.

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成千上万的观众中的一些高呼“U.S.A”。Some of the thousands of onlookers chanted "U.S.A.

成千上万人乘座小船逃难到佛罗里达.Tens of thousands flee for Florida in small boats.

旋风给成千上万的人带来苦难。The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people.