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用夹上去的?A clip-on?

带我们上去!Take us up!

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听上去挺毛骨悚然的,但这的确是事实。Macabre but true.

拉我上去!Thog! Pull me up!

飞到树上去。Flying into a tree.

就把广告再放上去。Put the ad back up.

他的手摸上去冰凉。His hand feels cold.

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将你的名字写上去。Put your name in it.

金子摸上去好凉。The gold feels cool.

那指纹是怎么搞上去的?And the fingerprints?

水摸上去很温。The water feels warm.

你的手摸上去冰凉。Your hands feel cold.

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剪上去的花朵容难枯萎。Cut flowers soon fade.

骑上去数,又是9头。Drive number, it is 9.

我把包放上去。Let me put the bag up.

听上去有些愚蠢It sounds kind of silly.

波丽把壶放上去。Polly put the kettle on.

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这花闻上去很香。This flower smells nice.

请把水壶放上去。Please put the kettle on.

他上去然后躲在那So he went up and he hid.