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南朝,鸡首型青釉茶壶。Southern Dynasties, blue-glaze teapot with a chicken head.

范晔所处的南朝时代,政权更迭频繁。In FanYe's time-South Dynasties , regime alternated frequently.

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第一部分,考察南朝辞赋题材选择的时代精神及原因。One chapter, investigate time spirit and reasons of theme choice.

事实上南朝陈政权的祖先在很大程度上就是胡公满,因而他的祭祀合情合理。In fact, the forefather of Chen rooted from Hugongman, so it was imaginable.

马蹄韵发端于南朝,到清代才形成一个完整的系统。It originated in Nan Dynasty and a complete system was formed in Qing Dynasty.

南朝女性墓志是珍贵的文献资料。Female Epitaphs in the Southern Dynasties are the precious documents materials.

南朝宋、齐、梁、陈四代,王朝更替的模式基本相同。The dynasties subrogation models were basically alike in the Southern Dynasties.

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明靖江王城之地可考的最早历史,可以追溯到南朝宋时期。The earliest history of Ming Prince Mansion dates back to the end of Nan Dynasty.

王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。At Southern Dynasties, calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligraphic theorist.

该剧院坐南朝北,宽度可以达到三个房间,而深度有两个房间那么宽。The Theatre Platform faces to the north, which is three rooms wide and two rooms deep.

南朝铭文数量颇多,然而成就突出者则较少。Though there are a number of inscriptions in the Southern Dynasties, only a few stand out.

找到了流民帅,才终于找到了东晋通往南朝的历史之门。Found displaced Shuai, finally found the history of the Eastern Jin Dynasty door leading to.

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东晋南朝时代,侨州郡县普遍设置乃至成为一种制度。Emigrant state and county were widely set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty.

沈约是南朝齐梁时的重要诗人,是当时的“一代辞宗”。Shen Yue was a noted poet during Qi and Liang Dynasties, a great master of poetry at that time.

清世以降的南朝散文研究成果丰硕,但相较于诗、赋研究,力度仍然不够。The research has yielded rich fruits but lacks intensity compared with that on poetry and odes.

东晋南朝国婚研究,有助于揭示东晋南朝政治、士族及其思想变化。The study of them helps to explain the historic change of politics, bachelors and bachelors' ideas.

索尼探梦科技展馆里面,南朝阳公园路一号,朝阳公园。Inside of Sony Explorascience, Inside Chaoyang Park, No. 1, South Chaoyang Park Road, Chaoyang Park.

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第五章综述南朝颍川庾氏家族状况及文学创作的成就。Chapter five summarize the status of Yus family and literary writing accomplishment in South Dynasty.

南朝国婚士族种种表现反映了门阀士族的相对衰落。The various expressions of this kind of marriage spoke of the decline of family power and its influence.

第四章从书体文的萌芽到南朝不断发展变化的阶段特征。Chapter IV of the text of the embryonic body from the book to the stage of the Southern evolving features.