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有些池波冲劲也可能很猛。Some wave pools can get rough.

我们需要那种有冲劲的创新。We need that kind of spirited innovation.

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你会发现你将拥有一股冲劲。You'll be amazed by the power of momentum.

他具有一个积极进取的、有冲劲和进取心的人的风度。He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.

游骑兵是军队中最有冲劲的士兵。The Rangers were among the most gung-ho soldiers in the Army.

嗯,有冲劲的领导力和创新,我们再转向匹特奥赛格。Well, spirited leadership and innovation, we turn to Peter Orszag.

我太有冲劲,一直想要探索更深层的梦境。I kept pushing things. I wanted to go deeper and deeper. I wanted to go further.

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一方面,二档速度够慢,有利于保持控制,同时又有一定速度,可以保持一定的冲劲。Second gear is slow enough to maintain control and quick enough to maintain momentum.

维系这股冲劲的失败将意味着至今花费的资金全部打了水漂。A failure to maintain the momentum will mean money spent so far will have been for nothing.

不可否认的是、快节奏的生活让自己的生活变得单调和没有冲劲。There is no denying that the fast-paced life so that their monotonous life and no momentum.

或也许可以说,大组织若企图维持当初的冲劲,就必须避免使用树状结构。Or rather, a large organization could only avoid slowing down if they avoided tree structure.

外语自学者为何往往难以把学习“冲劲”保持到底?Why is it difficult for a self-teaching language learner to keep his zeal through to the end?

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工作岗位的恢复速度缓慢,但房产泡沫引发的经济冲劲也消失了,这倒不失为一件好事。Jobs will be slow to come back, and the go-go economic days of the housing bubble are gone for good.

我们倍受鼓舞,于是我们得以利用来自我们内心的冲劲来激励其他的人。We can become inspired and then can inspire others with what has come forth from our inner stirrings.

然而,球员已经从国际比赛日回到梅尔伍德,奥雷里奥希望利物浦能够逼足一股冲劲去在与黑猫的比赛中全取三分。"It's always better when you have a full squad, so you can work hard to improve things, " said Aurelio.

经过实践,学员能跳出牛仔舞活泼、有冲劲的舞姿。Students are able to dance in rhythmic songs with different body movements after completion of the course.

借助心灵的想像能力,冲劲渴望便有了形质,并且能付诸行动。The impulse, the DESIRE, is given shape, form, and ACTION through the aid of the imaginative faculty of the mind.

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科比还是很自信,目前湖人还是不错的,依然能赢60场比赛,异能冲劲十足迎接季后赛。"We're sitting in a position where we can win 60 games, " Bryant said, "and go into the playoffs with momentum. "

回顾查尔斯·狄更斯的一生跟阅读他小说一样,有一种实实在在的冲劲扑面而来。THERE is an immediacy about Charles Dickens's life, just as there is about his novels, a kind of bursting physicality.

锦绣的深蓝色夜空中闪耀的璀璨群星,带给人勇气、决心信念和意志力,增加活力和冲劲。Beautiful blue sky shining bright stars, bring a person courage, confidence and willpower, increase energy and momentum.