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二是专制型。Two is absolutist type.

但是,专制国家也同样更容易得到难以预料的可怕后果。They are also more accident-prone.

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所有事情都使专制君主生气。Everything gives umbrage to a tyranny.

洛克是反对专制政府的。Locke is against arbitrary government.

其他规定或多或少专制些。Other rules are more or less arbitrary.

他在办公室里俨如一个专制暴君。He is a high-handed tyrant in his office.

真该死。那新老板可真够专制的。It sucked. The new boss is a real tyrant.

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一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。An absolute ruler can do just as he please.

专制国家本质上等于固定下来的匪帮。In nature autarchy is the fixed stationary bandit.

专制集权者的绝对相同点。The absolute similarity of the absolutistic powers.

他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart.

专制者自己获得了自由却奴役人民!Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people!

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很自然的,腐化和专制成为其副产品。Corruption and unaccountability are natural byproducts.

因为那时法国是个专制的君主政体。For all that time France had been an absolute monarchy.

宪政是专制政体的对立物。The constitutionalism is the opposite of the autocracy.

更多的证据显示,专制者们正在交换彼此的经验。There is more evidence of authoritarians swapping tips.

狮子座通常被描述为一个充满阳光,慷慨大方却又有些专制蛮横的星座。Leos are best described as fun loving, generous but bossy.

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我们发现,非白人群体中,专制教养的比例更高一些。We saw more rates of authoritarianism in non-white groups.

对于最终是民主政府还是专制政府,这至关重要。That if government's democracy or dictatorship. It matters.

结社自由是政党专制或大人物专权的克星。Freedom of association is regarded as a threat by dictators.