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同时,请调查贵处同行的动态。Meanwhile check competitor move where you are siting.

我很高兴在报上看到贵处的广告。I'm very glad when I read your advertisement in the newspaper.

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咱们已经收到贵处来的货,质量很好。We HAs received the bads you send us, the quality is excellent.

我们外贸服装批发网收到贵处来的货,质量很好。we have received the goods you send us, the quality is excellent.

我们收到了贵处来的货,质量很好。We have received the goods you send us, and the quality is excellent.

我希望招聘贵处前一天报纸广告上提到的职务。I wish to try for the post mentioned in your listing in yesterday's newspaper.

我要对我一周前从贵处购买的一台照相机提出投诉。I wish to make a complaint about a camera which I bought at your place a week ago.

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我希望应聘贵处昨天报纸广告上提到的职务。I wish to apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in yesterday's newspaper.

您好!今年早些时候我在中国国际陶瓷工业展广州会展中心看到了贵处的展品。I stopped by your booth at the Ceramics China, Guangzhou, exhibition earlier this year.

本公司希望货抵贵处时,能保持完美无缺,也希望能让贵方完全满意。We hope that the goods will reach you in perfect condition and give you full satisfaction.

可以肯定的是,我们两个月前收到此信,经研究后,已寄还贵处。It is noted that the letter was received two months ago, and after study, returned to your office.

从刘太太那里得知贵处需要一位人力资源经理,对此职位我非常感兴趣。Learning from Mrs Liu that you are looking for a HR manager, I should like to apply for the position.

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得知贵处招聘供应经理这一职位,我非常感兴趣,特呈上我的简历。My interest in the position of supply manager has promoted me to forward my resume for your interview.

本公司相信本公司所开的信用证,最迟将在本星期末之前,经由通知银行到达贵处。We think the credit opened by us will be with you through the informing bank at the latest by the end of this week.

而这也是为什么我申请贵校并希望可以在贵处进行深入学习的原因。This is why I filed an application for your school and hope that your Department can conduct an in-depth study of the reasons.

早晨好!由于时间关系,我们在离开中国之前未能取得贵国签证。我们能否从贵处获得去贵国的签证?。Good morning! Due to the time problem we could not get visas to your country before leaving China. Can we get visas from here to your country?

我们现决定向贵处提供订单中开列的所有零部件,并向相关政府机构申请出口许可证。We have now decided to supply you with all the parts as itemized in your order and going to apply to the government agencies concern for export licenses.

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GG来过我们工厂看过,我们工厂的塑胶配件是OEM配套的,所以使用的的模具材料很好,贵处来的部分应该就是在这里。GG came to our factory, we have seen the plastic accessories factory is OEM, so use of the mould material is very good, you come in here is part should be.

即使我方价格与其他供应商的价格不同,那也是因为我方产品的质量远远超过贵处其他外国牌子,从我方购进,你方肯定会获利。Even if our price is different from that of other suppliers, our quality is far better than that of other foreign brands. You will benefit from the purchase.

为了顺利实现订单,贵方需要及时开通信用证,而我方会将货品按贵处所需的方便时间内发送。In Order to carry out the order smoothly, you are requested to open the letter of credit in time. on our part, the goods will be shipped in good time to meet your requirements.