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真是集天下之大荒,让人啼笑皆非!It set the world of Da Huang, ridiculous people!

吴小沫不得已与母亲各种啼笑皆非的“逼婚”展开机智“斗争”。Small foam to wu with mother various cay forced marriage wit struggle.

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当时,入诗的皆为日常琐事,令人啼笑皆非。Poetry specialised , at that moment , in the wry chronicling of the everyday.

韩珊看着挂在院中的一排衣服,啼笑皆非,无话可说。HanShan looked at hanging in a row, courts, funny clothes at a loss for words.

除此之外,也会发生一些令人啼笑皆非的趣事,或意想不到的妙事。In addition, there were many interesting and unexpected things occurred as well.

你受你那令人啼笑皆非的、毫无廉耻的、最后冲着你来的愤怒的驱使,迈着舞步走过草坪。You dance across the lawn, powered by the last fumes of your outrageous sinvergüenzería.

没想到达子在谈恋爱方面完全是个不懂人事的小女孩,让他啼笑皆非。但是越来越被达子所吸引。He is aghast at her elementary dating experience but grows attracted to her more and more.

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看着西装革履的商人坐在很矮的沙发上有点让人啼笑皆非,但是他们习惯了。It's ironic to see businessmen in suits sitting on a very low sofa but they get used to it.

然而,令人啼笑皆非的是,要钱改善与飞行操作无关的项目,却是很少碰上什么困难的。Yet, ironically, there was seldom any difficulty in getting money for non-operational improvements.

这样一门粗具雏型而尚未成熟的学科,其采用的研究方法也是极为幼稚而令人啼笑皆非。This kind of science, which is rough and immature, also has a very immature and funny research method.

我来告诉你我的教学生涯中最早的一次令我啼笑皆非的经历。It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at a university.

快船的运气真的是让人啼笑皆非啊,真是不希望任何人受到伤病的困扰。希望所有人都能满血回归。伤病太可恨了。Man the Clippers luck would be comical but you never wish injury on anyone. Hope everything works out. This sucks.

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这将导致其现有储备的未来损失。但令人啼笑皆非的是,只要中国保持目前的汇率政策,这有助于维持美元的主导地位。But so long as China maintains its current exchange-rate policy, it is, ironically, helping keep the dollar dominant.

片中满是发生在两位主角身上的一些令人啼笑皆非的遭遇,影片结尾,年轻单纯的文佳佳最终找到了自己的真命天子。The movie is full of funny misadventures involving the two and in the end the young, innocent Wen finally finds her Mr. Right.

啼笑皆非的剧情聚焦白领阶层的情感世界,将“都市情爱何去何从”这样一个问题留给观众,在笑声中迸发出引人深思的力量。The plot is focused on the emotional life of the white-collar class, bringing about both laughter and meditation to the audience.

而令人啼笑皆非的是,每次当他们的婚姻濒临破裂之时,他们就又能互相理解了。It is one of the saddest ironies of his life that even as they headed for divorce, they had at last begun to understand each other.

而且数天之后,它就不再需要止痛药,手术后八天,更是发生了一件啼笑皆非的事——它挖开围墙逃走了。After a few days, she no longer needed pain meds, and just eight days after her surgery, the wolf pried open her enclosure and escaped.

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围绕着居住在首尔钟路区社稷洞908号的一家七口人而展开了一系列啼笑皆非的家庭情景喜剧。Revolves around living in Seoul-dong, Jongno-boat No. 908 family of seven persons who launched a series of ironic that the family sitcom.

下面的这些问题瞄准了历届美国总统外表下的习性、怪癖和叫人啼笑皆非的趣事The following questions delve behind the formal portraits of our nation's Presidents to reveal their idiosyncrasies, oddities andironies.

而令人啼笑皆非的是他却不能接受由自己亲口任命的赤字削减委员会联席主席辛普森和鲍尔斯提出的赤字削减计划。But he foolishly failed to embrace a long-term budget solution put forward by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission, which he himself appointed.