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他对委员会指手画脚。He lorded it over the committee.

我的一个朋友是一个很惹人厌的“后座司机”,他总是在后座指手画脚,告诉你该怎么开车。One of my friends is a terrible back seat driver.

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真正的领导者不会是人爱指手画脚的人。The real leaders never act as a back-seat driver.

我的世界,轮不到你来指手画脚。My world, round to less than you hand painting feet.

但很多人都对我没有进球指手画脚,就好像我有好几年都没进过球似的。It was as though I hadn't scored for a couple of years.

你真是个喜欢对别人的事情指手画脚的人,你这样会被很多人讨厌。You are a really back-seat driver. Many people will get annoyed.

例如,现在连业务经理都在对IT花费指手画脚。For example, even business line managers influence IT spending today.

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出租车司机对那个爱指手画脚步的乘客越来越感到难以容忍。The taxi driver became more and more intolerant of the back-seat driver.

如果中国符合这个条件,我想没有人敢对中国指手画脚。If China conforms to this condition, I thought nobody dares to gesticulate.

如果中国符合这个条件,我想没有人敢对中国指手画脚。If China conforms to this condition, I thought nobody dares to Chinato gesticulate.

两个小姑娘看到这种奇异的举动,指手画脚,不假思考的嗤笑起来。Two girls see this kind of peculiar move, gesticulate, thesneerthattruly ponders rises.

如果你担心那些看热闹的人会对你指手画脚的话,其实你可以站在他们的角度想想。If you're worried about spectators judging you, try to think about it from their perspective.

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波斯纳在书中略带嘲讽地建议知识分子,不要对你所不熟悉的领域指手画脚。For Posner, intellectuals should stick to things they know, advice he flouted in his own book.

就如她所说,这很悲哀,她根本没有伤害到任何人,所以人们也不该指手画脚。That's sad, as she said, she really isn't hurting anybody, so people should mind theirown business.

但是,政治家不仅对财政政策的具体内容横加干涉,对其表达方式也是指手画脚。But politicians have engaged not just with the substance of fiscal policy but also with its presentation.

我们不会对成功的员工指手画脚,告诉他们该如何如何,而是让他们来告诉我们,以及其他人那些做法行得通。Rather than mandate how a successful employee acts, we let them tell us -- and everyone else -- what works.

但是,我们无法对意大利当局或任何国家的政府指手画脚,告诉他们应该如何行纪执法。But we cannot tell the Italian authorities, or indeed those of any other country, how to apply law and order.

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他们大笑,指手画脚地表示一支箭会射进我的后脑勺,而且我的脑袋会在最近的树旁爆开花。They laughed, miming an arrow entering the back of my head and exploding my brains all over the nearest tree.

人生之路坎坷不平,你可能同样会跌倒,所以对别人指手画脚也是在评判自己。The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you.

我们对手的球迷可能打进热线电话,然后假装自己是一个利物浦的支持者,对球队大肆指手画脚。Rival fans can phone up radio stations and pretend to be a Liverpool fan and say this and that is wrong with the club.