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我来推测一下吧Let me hazard a guess here.

那些推测是对的。Those conjectures are correct.

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那最少是一个推测。That's one conjecture at least.

小心过分推测。Beware of excessive speculation.

他推测,也许它是在保存能量。Maybe it saves energy, he speculates.

当然,可能我的推测是错误的。Of course, my hypothesis may be wrong.

不过有人推测是古代突厥人的遗作。But some presume they were made by Turks.

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到现在为止,所有的推测都是乐观。For now this is all borne out of optimism.

他们从我的姓推测我是法国人。They assumed I was French from my surname.

我们大家都在推测它为什么会出现在人体内。Why it’s emerged in humans is anyone’s guess.

这是否就如很多人推测的那样。Does this simply imply, as many have surmised.

我们只能推测他在下一次将有什么动向。We can only guess what his next move might be.

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我们推测这应该有电子邮件。We speculate there may be neutronic mail here.

由于具有推测性,故结论是或然性的。Because of the quality of guess, it is probable.

他推测那个人一定有五十好几了。He suspected that man must be well over fifties.

那么我们可以从这里推测出什么呢So what can we speculate is the meaning of that?

当然,所有这些终究只是推测。Of course, all of this is ultimately speculation.

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独自一人的时候,你怎么样推测你的感受?How do you anticipate your feeling at being alone?

阿拉姆拒绝推测袭击者动机。Alam refused to speculate on the attackers motives.

在马尔代夫,推测埃及伊蚊是媒介。In the Maldives Ae. aegypti is the presumed vector.