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他是个勇于进取的经理。He was an aggressive manager.

不要安于半发展的恩赐,要竭力进取学习。Don't settle for a half-developed gift.

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我们需要一队更积极进取的愉园。Finally , we need a more aggressive hvaa.

它是建立在不屈不挠的进取精神之上的。It is built on the unhampered initiative.

但就连他们都正在显示出了进取的征兆。But even they are showing signs of progress.

它缺乏那种胜利进取的标帜。It lacks the victorious and aggressive notes.

但我的主去进取,导致无论发生于。But my Lord goes ahead, leads whatever betide.

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进取号的第一个五年任务结束。USS Enterprise's first five-year mission ends.

他具有一个积极进取的、有冲劲和进取心的人的风度。He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.

勇气就是敢于冒险,勇于进取,勇往直前。Courage is daring to be Brave. Enterprsing. Bold.

腾飞是献给每位勇于进取的人。The courage to go off is dedicated to each person.

勇气就是敢于冒险,勇于进取,勇往直前。Courage is daring to be brave , enterprising , bold.

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勇气就是敢于冒险,勇于进取,勇往直前。Courage is daring to be brave, enterprising and bold.

一切的一切,都是他不断进取的成果。All in all, he is constantly enterprising achievement.

如我所说我从不认为我们有一个积极进取的党派。I don't, as I said, think we have a progressive party.

自信,思维开阔,积极进取并勇于创新。With self-confidence, open mind, positive and creativity.

但是他们并不积极进取他们狡猾。They are not actively aggressive however they are sneakier.

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然而我知道,是时候要采取更进取的治疗方案了。But I knew it was time for a more aggressive treatment plan.

鼓励员工在工作上不断进取是我们的核心价值。Propelling our people forward in their work are core values.

这些没有进取精神的人把钱都闲置在银行里。These unenterprising people have money lying idle in a bank.