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而农村地权制度是农村土地问题的核心所在。And the rural land property system is the hard core.

“平均地权”是孙中山“民生主义”的内容之一。The equality in land properties was one of the important content of Dr.

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如果你在国有土地上买房子,你就得到了永久的租地权。When you buy a house on a land of state-ownership, you get a perpetual lease.

官方否认了征地,谴责那种传统不成文的赌地权法律。The authorities deny seizing land and blame ancient, unwritten ownership laws.

孙科的“平均地权”政策是否坚持不变呢?Did Sun Fo consistently maintain his policy of "equalization of landownership "?

双层地权制之下,田面已经成为佃农的一项独立产权。Under the system, surface field has become an independent property-right of the rural tenants.

双层地权在近代中国分布较广,江南地区尤为典型。The dual farm-land property-right is widely distributed in modern China, especially in Jiangnan region.

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然而,Marissa提醒道,我们应该理性地权衡,对于不可能的事情是否不予理会。However, Marissa cautioned that constraints should be balanced with a healthy disregard for the impossible.

我国目前采用的均分地权的承包制,是基于公平的基础上兼顾效率的原则。The present average allotted farming land contract represents the principle of efficiency on basis of fairness.

农户对地权稳定性的预期越低,其租入农地的可能性越小,租入农地的面积也越小。The lower is tenure security which peasants have, the lower are the probability and the area that they rent farmland.

就以傅统社会的晚期而论,中国的地权分配比其他国家分散。From a macroscopic view, the land distribution in late imperial China was also less centralized than in other countries.

这些发现认为很多事情例如地权,市场以及政府政策都会影响树木的种植和保护。The findings suggest that things like land rights, markets or government policies can influence tree planting and protection.

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本文第六章集中探讨了旗地相关各方在这一地权变动过程中的权力较量。Chapter Six probes into the gaming of power among the relevant parties during the ownership transformation of the banner legacy.

当前农村地权冲突的部分原因在于农民集体成员权制度缺乏科学的法理基础。At present, one of the reasons for rural land ownership conflict is the lack of science legal basis in farmers collective member rights.

在宗教势力占绝对优势的地区地权主要集中在寺院和高级僧侣手中。In the areas of religious force absolutely dominating, the landownership is mainly concentrated on the hands of monasteries and senior monks.

如果您更关注应用程序的性能,则应该仔细地权衡这两个考虑事项,以获得一个更好的解决方案。When you are more concerned with the performance of the application, you should fine-tune these two considerations to make a better solution.

乔布斯13岁的时候曾在位于这一地区的惠普公司做兼职,这也使得他能够在这片土地重新可以交易的时候确保苹果公司购得地权。Jobs had a part-time job working for Hewlett Packard at the site when he was 13 and he ensured Apple bought the land when it became available.

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未来农村地权制度变迁将沿着国家主导改革为主,社会创新为辅的轨迹演化,也将是一个分层次、分区域、分阶段的渐进性变迁。The future changes following the state's reforms with the assist of the social innovation of the rural land property system are gradual progresses.

地权以及与之相联系的租佃制度从一个侧面反映了乡村经济的转型和乡村社会的变化。Land ownership and its derived tenancy system, from one aspect, reflected the transformation of countryside economy and changes in countryside society.

根据某篇土地卖契的地权之名与地权之实,主要是地权之实得出地权转移的语义结论,称之为单篇解读。Single Interpretation refers to the semantic conclusion of land-ownership transfer based on the nominal and real land-ownership, especially the real one.