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用大拇指和食指捏住耳垂温柔的向下拉,轻轻的向外呼气,重复6次。Breathe out gently. Repeat six times.

下一步是把故事用食指在打字机上慢慢地打出来。The next step was pecking out stories.

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他的食指最后指向我的行李箱停止不动了。His index finger steadied on my suitcase.

用食指触触他的手臂,象摸到一块温豆腐,真嫩。I gentally touched his arm with my finger.

我用食指敲着那张发票。I tapped the invoice with my index finger.

他用食指指著我,表示责备的意思。He pointed his forefinger at me reprovingly.

用拇指和食指的之隙挤捏它。Gently squeeze it between thumb and index fingers.

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她踌躇牙齿有她的食指又。She wiggled the teeth with her index finger again.

他把食指贴在嘴上告诉我别做声。He hushed me with his index finger against his mouth.

我妈妈做牛排最拿手!让人食指大动!My mom makes the best steak! It's finger lickin' good!

鸟类学家们用大拇指和食指构成v形量测角度。Vs with their thumbs and forefingers, measuring angles.

把绒线绕过你的大拇指和食指。Wrap yarn around the back of your thumb and forefinger.

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一个伸出食指的手形路标。A guidepost resembling a hand with a pointing index finger.

用拇指和食指紧握原表,在垂直向上拉。Grasp chart with thump and forefinger and pull straight up.

用食指和中指做出V的形状---表示胜利。Make the V sign with your middle and index finger---Victory.

操作碱式滴定管是用拇指和食指。The basic buret is usually operated bY thumb and forefinger.

然后掐掉长度在拇指和食指之间的新芽。Then pinch the new shoots between your thumb and forefinger.

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女性的食指与无名指的长度往往是大致相同的。Female index and ring fingers tend to be about the same length.

那位老爷子用食指轻轻拍着方向盘。The old man tapped the steering wheel once with his foreFingers.

陈国盛抚摸着食指上的老茧笑着说。Chan Kwok-Shing's index finger touched callosity said with a smile.