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等等一支玉簪值九百万?。Hang on. A hairpin worth nine million?

素玖玖眼睛一亮,接过玉簪。Pigment for eye one bright, took the hosta.

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风雨凉亭,美人玉簪,却如此和谐。Rain Pavilion, beauty of Hosta, so harmonious.

玉簪流落到光秃的潘家园?And the jade hairpin was drifted into the bald Panjiayuan?

标题中国水玉簪属区系特征的初步研究。A preliminary study on the floristic features of the genus Burmannia in China.

目的研究蓝玉簪龙胆挥发油的化学成分。ObjectiveTo study the chemical constituents of essential oils of Gentiana veitchiorum Hemsl.

研究为玉簪属植物在园林中的栽培应用和繁殖提供理论依据。Theory guides were provided of Hosta plants of their cultivation and propagation in gardens.

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藏药粗茎秦艽、蓝玉簪龙胆的生药学鉴定。Pharmacognosy identification of original plants of tibetan medicine gentiana macrophylla pall. and gentiana veitchiorum hemsl.

结果表明凤眼莲对氮污染水体的修复效果要好于紫萼玉簪。The results showed that in nitrogen pollution water, the repair results of Eichhornia crassipes is better than Hosta ventricosa.

其中玉簪有机茶以上市早、质量优、价格适中深受各地消费者喜爱。玉簪茶先后在上海、宁波、杭州等地茶叶博览会中获奖。And the jade hairpin organic tea goes on the market, the quality to be early superior, the moderate cost depth is liked the regional consumers.

如果叶绿素的丧失是一个不可逆的进化过程,水玉簪族中全菌物异养习性的获得只出现过一次。If the loss of chlorophyll is considered to be an irreversible process, holo-mycoheterotrophism has very likely emerged only once in the tribe Burmannieae.

从繁殖方式、栽植方法、水肥管理、病虫害防治等方面介绍了玉簪的栽培技术要点。According to practices, its cultivation techniques are introduced in breeding, planting, management of water and fertilizer and controlling of diseases and insect pests.

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上述生理指标均可作为玉簪品种耐热性筛选指标,也为其它园林植物的耐热筛选提供理论指导。All of those Physiological indexes would be considered as the, system of heat-resistance selection for the hosta , and at the same time, as a theory reference for the other ornamental plants.

但此期玉器出土甚少,现在知道的不过玉杯、佩饰、带扣、带板、玉簪、衮册等很少几种。But this issue of jade carving unearthed really few, now knew the jade cup, the baldric, the belt buckle, the belt board, the jade hairpin, the royal robes book and so on are very few several kinds.