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内斗意味著减产。Internal battles mean less production.

随后,减产问题就会出现。Subsequently, the problem of underproduction will arise.

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重油的减产额度达到了历史新高。The discount on heavier crudes has risen to record levels.

只要环境允许我们不会减产。We are not looking at retrenchments for as long as circumstances allow.

全世界的汽车工厂都面临停产或减产。Across the world carmakers are mothballing factories and dropping shifts.

花期连阴雨天、光照不足是大樱桃减产的重要因素。Continual wet weather and insufficient light were also important factors.

哈利勒认为,尽管欧佩克决定减产,但是油价恐怕会继续下滑。Khelil suggests that trend might continue, despite OPEC's production cut.

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水稻病害的侵染会导致减产甚至绝收。Rice bacterial blight and Rice blast are the most important rice disease.

克利勒说,部长们在会议中没有就减产进行讨论。Khelil said ministers hadn't discussed a cut in output during the meeting.

它现在已传播到21个州,并引起减产——以及肉价上涨。It's now in 21 states and results in lower yields — and higher meat prices.

墨西哥的产量因该国最大油田Cantarell的减产而下滑。Mexico's production is falling on a decline in its biggest field, Cantarell.

由于工厂倒闭或减产,偶尔会发生一些抗议活动。Sporadic protests have broken out as some factories close or cut production.

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尽管计划大幅削减石油产量,但是卡杜里认为全球经济危机有可能抵销欧佩克这次石油减产的效应。So, I think the world economic crisis could really make useless this decision.

欧佩克上次减产在2007年早期,当时油价在一年内翻了一倍。When OPEC last cut production, early in 2007, prices doubled in just over a year.

麦森纽说,随着全球经济的崩溃,这些企业大幅减产。As the global economy collapsed, those firms slashed production capacity, she says.

中棉所23号一水前化控的量大会减产。Excessive amount of DPC reduced the yield of CRI 23three-day before first watering.

菟丝子会使农业减产,还会使种子作物滞销。Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable.

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要是减产,全家四张嘴巴,还不吊了起来?If production dropped this year, what should her family of four do except go hungry?

植物病毒协生作用分布广,是造成农作物减产的重要原因之一。The widespread synergism of plant virus is one of main factors leading to crop loss.

今年由于气候异常,我国蜂蜜严重减产。This year, honey production in China has decreased sharply due to climate abnormities.