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我喜欢你的字谜。I loved your puzzle.

这又是字谜?Is it another anagram?

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纵横和字谜求解。Crossword and anagram solver.

他喜欢猜字谜吗?He likes reading under water.

我一直很喜欢玩字谜游戏。enjoy doing crossword puzzles.

他喜欢猜字谜吗?Does he like doing word puzzles?

他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?B. Sarah likes doing word puzzles.

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玩字谜或文字游戏。Do word puzzles and play word games.

就像字谜中的一个空格。It is like one piece of jack puzzle.

就象给孩子制作的字谜游戏。As in a puzzle concocted for children.

纵横填字谜都是伟大的词检索。Crosswords are great for word retrieval.

我儿子显然很会猜字谜。My son is clearly no witch at the riddle.

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我在做这张报纸上的猜字谜语。I'm doing a word puzzle in this newspaper.

这个月我们要玩字谜游戏。This month, we're doing crossword puzzles.

她和3个兄弟玩看手势猜字谜游戏。She and her three brothers played charades.

“猜字谜怎么样?”我挖苦地问。"How about charades?"I asked sarcastically.

整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。the whole scene was as unreal as a charade.

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猜字谜可以加强脑力。Doing puzzles will increase your brain power.

一个学生接受了猜字谜游戏。Some students was given a word puzzle to solve.

把陶泥有韵律地组合在一起就像一个字谜。The clay fits together in rhythm like a puzzle.