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小说要的就是这种无孔不入的细劲儿。This is the novel to the all-pervasive fine Jiner.

客观环境对我们的影响是无孔不入的。The objective conditions have all-pervasive influences on us.

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爱情几乎是无孔不入,从不休假,寒暑无间。Love is nearly seizes every opportunity, ever is not on leave, all year round.

理所当然的,屏幕这种新出现并且无孔不入的文字载体,已经改变了人们的阅读书写习惯。And of course, these newly ubiquitous screens have changed how we read and write.

下一个大的惊喜将是这个自然界面如何普及变得无孔不入。The next big surprise for people will be how this natural interface becomes pervasive.

他们不能理解运动的无孔不入之势,而社会关系网扮演着催化剂的角色。They don't understand movements going viral, with social networks acting as catalysts.

在某些方面,我认为这更加糟糕,因为它更容易打扰你,无孔不入。In some ways, I think it's worse because it's so much more intrusive and all-pervasive.

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值得注意的是这些原来隐蔽的花朵已经变得公开和无孔不入了。New and notable is that these formerly covert activities have become open and pervasive.

当今社会计算机病毒花样翻新,无孔不入。The computer virus innovations in pattern is got in by every opening in the society now.

尤其是在农村高利贷无处不在无孔不入表现得非?。Be ina country especially usurious nowhere is absent be all-pervasive behave very actively.

他们无孔不入,可以进入你的银行账户、电脑文件、电子邮件,听你的电话。They can get into your bank statement, your computer files, e-mail, listen to your phone calls.

其亦创作了公司无孔不入的报刊杂志广告。Sears also wrote all the copy for the company's extensive newspaper and magazine advertisements.

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正当人们惊叹于新媒体的无孔不入时,在上海又出现了一种新的广告载体。Just as people were amazed at the new all-pervasive media, in Shanghai has emerged a new ad carrier.

他们并没有无孔不入地干预私人生活,而是在“照顾我们的健康和福利”。" They are not micromanaging people's lives — they are just "looking after their health and welfare.

一些伟大的实业家,像亨利福特,无孔不入地营销,任凭世事无常。Some great industrialists, like Henry Ford, stick around even as the world moves on and their powers fail.

调查似乎旨在加强对新泽西州无孔不入的公众腐败的认识。The investigation seems set to reinforce the perception of the pervasive nature of public corruption in New Jersey.

面对这股无孔不入无坚不摧的力量,既然人类无法将它抑止,那么又该于夹缝中何去何从?In the face of this all-pervasive invincible force, as human beings can not restrain it, in the slit should go from here?

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两大媒体涵盖平面和网络,将为读者和网友呈献无孔不入的视觉盛宴。Two big media cover plane and network, will respectfully present for reader and netizen the visual regale of be all-pervasive.

现代社会的狗仔队更是无孔不入,只要一不小心,就随时都有被他们盯上,写些逸闻刊上小报成为新闻人物的危险。In modern society, Paparazzi is all-pervasive . The public characters often are the headline of tabloid if they are not discreet.

对于化学物质的恐惧一部分是源于对这些新化学物质的好奇和他们对于日常生活的无孔不入。Part of the fear of chemicals stems from the sheer novelty of new chemical substances and their all-pervasive presence in our lives.