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你注册了吗?Did you register?

下载内存注册机。Download memory Fillmore.

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注册自动付账单系统。Sign up for auto-billpay.

这是一个注册机源代码。This is a RI source code.

注册到的IAX服务器。Register to an IAX Server.

比如像注册权就不值得浪费更多的时间,但这位律师又是否知道呢?But does the attorney know?

注册用户登录区。Registered user login area.

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这也在注册项里?。That's on the registration?

什么是试验注册?What is trial registration?

注册,或查看重播。Register, or view the replay.

简化注册过程。Simplify the sign-up process.

用户往往讨厌注册用户。Users often hate to register.

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安装软件的注册码怎样获得?How do I register the program?

服务商标注册。Service marks are registrable.

无法自行注册文件。Unable to self-register a file.

XPCOM注册新的组件。XPCOM registers new components.

注册这个新主题和皮肤。Register the new theme and skin.

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你可以在线上注册E-1课程。You can register for E-1 online.

考虑一下注册员所做的。Consider what registrars do. They

根据下载和注册量而支付工资。It pays per download and sign-up.