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我保证我会成为你的如意郎君。I can promise I'll make you Mr. Right"."

求婚者多的少女往往选中最差的郎君。A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst.

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求婚者多的少女往往选中最差的郎君。A mbenefitn with many wooers often chooses the worst.

但倘若看到的是一只啄木鸟的话那她就不会找到如意郎君。But if it's a woodpecker she will find no man at all.

当我还是个小女孩的时候,就常常梦想着,有一天能够找到自己的如意郎君。When I was younger, I used to dream of finding Mr. Right.

南音与“郎君”是整体的“活化石”现象。Nan Yin and"Lang Jun"being a phenomenon of whole live fossil.

金蛇郎君也还是爱上了替身。The golden snake swordsman still also fell in love with double.

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岚么做为大姐,她一定要为妹妹找个如意郎君。Arashi yao as a big sister, she must to sister find a mr. right.

在正确的时间献上一吻,她就知道她找到如意郎君了。One kiss at the right time, and she knew she had found Mr. Right.

真够细心的,做我的如意郎君似乎还行,哈哈哈。What a careful man you are! You seem to be Mr. Right of mine, ha-ha-ha.

有一天,斯泰西决定对寻找如意郎君的希望进行重新评估。One day Stacy decides to reevaluate her life in the hopes of finding Mr.

知心郎君洞房外,百媚千娇红头盖。Bosom husband bridal chamber, hundred flatters thousand jiao red cranium.

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如果你爱上你的如意郎君,每一天都是一样的情人节。If you fall in love with your Mr. Right, every day is like Valentine's Day.

其中我最爱的角色是大英雄乔锋和金蛇郎君夏雪宜。I most love the role is big heroic tall front and golden snake my dear Xia Xueyi.

女孩子若是想要变得漂亮并且有一位如意郎君都要供奉月亮。Girls who wanted to be a beauty and have a handsome husband should worship the moon.

于是乎,一位女士进入丈夫销售店,选购一位可以婚配的如意郎君。So, a woman goes to the Husband Store in the hope of finding the ideal man to marry.

在“如花美眷,似水流年”的自怜与感叹中期盼自己的意中郎君。In the "flowery , Homecoming" of self-pity and sigh in Italy and look forward to their Langjun.

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伊阿古她要是虽黑丑却聪明,包她找到一位俊郎君。Iago. If she be black, and thereto have a wit, She'll find a white that shall her blackness fit.

近年来,“夜郎自大”所体现的对于夜郎君主的误解开始引起学者们的广泛关注。The misapprehend about Ludicrous Conceit of the King of Yelang catch scholar's attention recently.

不过基拉尼的朋友们可丝毫不气馁,为了给基拉尼找到“如意郎君”,他们坚持更新基拉尼的在线档案。Undaunted, Killarney's friends keep updating her online profile in the hope of finding her Mr Right.