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什么是土地退化?What is land degradation?

植物的刺是退化的枝。Thorns are aborted branch es.

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退化的情形是怎样的?What about the degenerate cases?

她退化成为一个懒婆娘了!She degenerates into a mere slut!

经历了的多了,由“什么都想知道”逐渐退化。I don't know. I don't want to know.

叶互生,退化成鳞片状。Leaves alternate, reduced into scales.

所以叫退化。OK, so that's why it's called degenerate.

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我自感体力已退化了。I definitely felt a deterioration in vigor.

土地退化对于健康意味着什么?What does land degradation mean for health?

智牙是另一种退化遗留物。Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant.

退化是从灵魂向物质的降落。Involution is the descent of spirit into matter.

在某种意义上,这种税制结构是退化的So, in a sense, the tax structure was regressive.

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现在,只有退化的阿伊努族群还幸存下来。Today, only vestigialcommunities of Ainu survive.

记得吗,你使我掉退化学池里。Remember, you dropped me into that vat of chemicals.

其实根本没有减缓神经退化。None actually slows the underlying neurodegeneration.

肌腱发炎是由于腱的退化。Tendonitis is caused by the degeneration of a tendon.

萎缩和退化的区别是什么?What's the difference between atrophy and involution?

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而据Wellhausen说,这也是一种退化。And this, according to Wellhausen, was a degeneration.

如何控制球铁孕育时间?防止石墨退化?。How is timing controlled to prevent nodular iron fade?

这注入新活力在这些点的退化细胞。This rejuvenates the degenerated cells at these spots.