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切勿吸入粉尘。S22 Do not breathe dust.

用传感器检测粉尘量。Sensors monitor the dust levels.

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我宁愿做烈火余灰也不愿做粉尘飞扬!I would rather be ashes than dust!

而且它还给这附近带来了空气粉尘。And it makes the air dustier around here.

矿井作业面的粉尘与氡子体是危害工人健康的两大重要因素。Dust and radon daughters are two major hazards to miners.

它适用于捕集细小、干燥、非纤维性粉尘。It is suitable for trapping small, dry, non-fibrous dust.

青石棉残留的粉尘仅为以硅为主的物质。The residual substances of crocidolite are mainly silicon.

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主轴中速运转,工作时噪音低,粉尘少。Medium-speed operation for less powder and lower noise level.

标配双级空气滤清器,适合于粉尘较多的作业场所。Double-stage air filter is standard equipment for dusty fields.

在干燥天气里水也可以用以控制粉尘。Water may also be used for dust suppression in the dry weather.

颗粒小,固化快,极少挥发气体和产生粉尘。Small in granule, quickly solidified no powder and less volatile.

矿物粉尘表面活性基团影响粉尘的生物效应。Surface activity groups of dusts affect their biological effects.

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增加了集尘装置,有效地降低了粉尘污染。The dust collector is added to effectively reduce dust pollution.

“威德力”喷漆房是一个隔绝外界粉尘的净化空间。WEILI spray booth is a purified space isolated from external dust.

砷可通过风中的粉尘污染空气,水,和土壤。Arsenic can get into air water and the ground from wind-blown dust.

机器设备可单机使用,或全厂安装,能有效的集粉尘、碎片等。It can use single or collocate with other machines and efficiently.

具有高耐磨、高效切削、无粉尘的特点。It has high wear resistance, high efficiency and no dust pollution.

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物料是在密闭容器中进行混合、无粉尘飞扬。Materials are mixed in the airtight container, without dust flying.

生石灰消化器的粉尘治理一直是困扰除尘专业的一个难题。It was rather difficulty to remove the dust of lime hydration system.

是的,它对清除阻塞毛孔的粉尘和油脂很有效。Yeah, it's pretty effective in wiping out pore-clogging dirt and oil.