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那是我的专利发明。It's my patent.

专利技术。Proprietary technology.

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这是他的专利发明。It is his patent device.

该专利后来被撤销了。The patent was later revoked.

我们并没有从中获得专利费。We don't get royalties from it.

是否应设立专利池?Should there be "patent pooling"?

专利的灵活多变设计。The Patented Flexi-System Design.

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奖学金是他们的专利。They monopolise the scholarships.

托马斯·爱迪生拥有1093项专利。Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents.

均益安联公司拥有13项专利技术。Kwan Yick Allianz owns 13 patents.

该装置已获得国家专利。This set has got the state patent.

所以我们有几百个专利。And so we have hundreds of patents.

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它将在2011年失去专利保护。It loses patent protection in 2011.

该项目已获国家发明专利。The project has been endued patent.

你们会为这些构想申请专利吗?Are you going to patent these ideas?

它是全国独一,专利产品。It is the unique, patented products.

因此我发明了一种敲击桌子的专利。So I invented a patent table-tapper.

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专利电子编档还具有互操作性吗?Is patent e-filing interoperable yet?

这是一项专利产品在我公司。It is a patent product in my company.

与此同时,美国专利制度堵塞而且不正常的。Meanwhile, the U.S. patent system is.