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围墙围住那块土地。A fence encloses the land.

婴儿车碰到了围墙。The pram bumped the fence.

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猫纵身跳上围墙。The cat jumped onto the wall.

没有围墙,也没有围篱。There's no wall and no fences.

它撞到了后围墙上的长条木板上。It went splat, on the back fence.

它很孤立,像一座有围墙的花园。It was very insular, a walled garden.

莎士比亚的“付费围墙”跟随他走四方。Shakespeare’s paywall traveled with him.

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在高高的石围墙面前小马驹停步不前。The foal balked at the high stone fence.

敌人炮火轰击城堡的围墙。Enemy fire battered the walls of the fort.

回音壁是皇穹宇的围墙。The Echo Wall encloses the Imperial Vault.

那高围墙使他逃跑的希受挫。The high wall mocked his hopes of escaping.

木栅栏被冰冻连成了一堵围墙。The palings are glued together like a wall.

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有玫瑰花悬垂其上的花园围墙。The walls of the garden overhung with roses.

他雇用了一个务工佣人修理围墙。He hired a stayman to repwaterdrop the fence.

成列的台车中种满花卉做为围墙。The owner planted flower in trams as a fence.

他在围墙的开口处安了一个门。He put a gate across the opening in the fence.

于是费尽心机拍到了围墙外的香蕉树。So finally photographed the wall of the banana.

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两袋水泥放在围墙后面。Two bags of cement were parked behind the fence.

她翻过围墙,吓得大喘气起来。She climbed over the fence and gasped with horror.

泰山在围墙内不安地走来走去。Tai Shan walked around anxiously in the enclosure.