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自来水也要钱?Water also want money?

我们没有自来水。We have no piped water.

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自来水哗哗地流。The water gushed out of the tap.

全皮分裂唯一的自来水鞋。Full leather split sole tap shoe.

关上厨房里的自来水!Shut off the water in the kitchen.

用自来水将手弄湿。Wet your hands with running water.

蔓越橘和鲜橙汁调配的鸡尾酒,凉杯装冰镇自来水加柠檬。Cranberry and fresh orange cocktail

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日本的自来水也可安全饮用。Tap water in Japan is safe to drink.

她关闭了自来水的干管。She turned the water off at the mains.

他们在设计一个新自来水厂。They were projecting a new waterworks.

房间里的自来水可生饮吗?Is the tap water in our room drinkable?

你厌倦了一尘不变的自来水吗?Tired of that same old monotonous water?

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瓶装水比自来水更适合你?Is bottled water better for you than tap?

热管子被自来水冲冷了。The hot pipe was cooled with running water.

在马路下面铺着煤气管道和自来水管。Under the road run pipes for gas and water.

这个村子里家家户户都没有自来水。The houses in this village are without water.

五月份,一座新的自来水厂将投入使用。In May a new waterworks will go into operation.

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水从破裂的自来水主管中喷出。Water was spouting out from a broken watermain.

用来关闭煤气和自来水的可调扳手Adjustable wrench for turning off gas and water.

自来水管上或墙上,营救人员就可以找到您。Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.