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油漆和涂料。Paint and stain.

这层涂料能防潮。This coating repels moisture.

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他们正在用柏油涂料涂抹路灯柱。They're tarring the lampposts.

水性环氧树脂涂料。Water-based epoxy top coatings.

其次看涂料颗粒细度。See coating grain next fineness.

康典十大涂料品牌说。Ten WellPoint paint brands said.

他把毛刷在涂料里蘸了蘸。He dipped his brush in the paint.

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这层涂料能防潮。A plastic coating repels moisture.

应用的第二层粉末涂料。Applying a second coating of powder.

恐怕这种涂料是擦不掉的。I'm afraid this paint won't wipe off.

墙上涂料已剥落了。The paint on the wall has peeled off.

她在网球鞋上刷了白涂料。She put whitening on her tennis shoes.

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他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁。They spotted the wall with green paint.

康典十大涂料品牌说。WellPoint said the top ten brand paint.

国外进口防火涂料。Imported foreign fire-resistant coating.

新型水乳型防水涂料。New type of emulsion waterproof coating.

螺旋桨上喷涂的是有机硅防污涂料。Propeller paint is really gild the lily?

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用作橡胶、涂料、清漆用溶剂。Solvent for rubber, paints and lacquers.

贺柏兹。阿克苏。红狮汽车涂料有限公司。HerbsArkasu Red Lion Car Paint Co. , Ltd.

无气涂料,空气涂料,刷涂及琨涂。Airless spray, air spray, brush and roller.