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钻石怎么样?How about diamond?

给她买颗钻石戒指。Buy her a diamond ring.

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她戴了一枚钻石戒指。She wore a diamond ring.

上帝保佑你那钻石样的眼睛!God bless thy diment eyes!

他给胸针镶钻石。He diamonded the brooches.

我想买个钻石戒指。Wish to buy a diamond rin.

经切割的钻石有很多晶面。A cut diamond has many faces.

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金子和钻石可以被发现。Gold and Diamonds can be found.

我是钻石般闪耀的皑皑白雪。I am the diamond glints of snow.

有蓝宝石,还有一颗钻石。It’s sapphire, with one diamond.

钻石,红宝石,绿宝石,紫水晶diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst

是要钻石的、红宝石的还是蓝宝石的?A sapphire that was cut cabochon.

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钻石恒久远,一颗就破产!Diamonds are forever, a bankrupt!

糊涂蛋每天挖掘钻石。Dopey digs for diamonds every day.

你看看这钻石一饱眼福吧。Feast your eyes on this diwoulmond.

爸爸会去给你买一枚钻石戒指。Papas gonna buy you a diamond ring.

猜对了,原木和钻石开采车。Right, only log and diamond trucks.

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钻石是最闪耀的。The diamond makes the most sparkle.

一串钻石项链使她更富美感。A diamond necklace adorned her neck.

如果钻石戒指变成黄铜。And If that dimond righ turns brass.