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这将是自拆台脚。It would be self-defeating.

以团结协作为荣,以彼此拆台为耻。Team work as glory, Mutual hurt as shame.

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那么你建议我们现在就开始互相拆台?Are you suggesting we start slashing each other's throats?

肯尼迪用自我拆台的自命不凡来对付愤怒的烈火。Kennedy handled the firestorm of outrage with self-defeating smugness.

不知怎么回事,每当我儿子做作业的时候,她的儿子总是喜欢拆台。Somehow, her son lwys likes to disturb my son when he's doing his homework.

我已是第二次被你拆台了,我再也不相信你了。This is the second time I have been let down by you, I shall never trust you again.

这是`寻求身份与富裕象征的自咱拆台的特征。This is the self-defeating character of the search for the symbols of status and affluence.

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公司里的年轻人为了争强斗胜,竟彼此为敌,相互拆台。The younger men it the company were cutting each other's throats in their eagerness to win success.

这些行动的部分目的在于消除印度在这些谈判中被视为拆台者的风险。The moves are in part intended to dispel the risk that India is cast as the spoiler in the negotiations.

结果呢,卑鄙陷害、互相拆台、忿恨抱怨充满了我们的生活。And that results in back-stabbing, undercutting , feelings of resentment, and other life-affirming things like that.

中美要是发生战争,取而代之的超级大国最终也会是输家,他们也会互相拆台的。Should there be a war between China-USA, whoever comes on top will also be a loser in the end. They will undermine each other.

这种做法其实是自拆台脚,你必须吃的足够多,尤其是蛋白质,以便塑造瘦的肌肉It's a self-defeating strategy, you need to eat enough, and particularly protein, to build lean and toned muscle in the first place.

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现在我所能想到的唯一困难就是,目前有这样一种趋势,女人互相拆台,而男人是没有这样做的。The only problem that I can think of right now is that women currently have a tendency to cut each other down in a way that men do not.

是啊,我也是希望万一不行的话,彼此都能妥善处理,不要在工作上相互拆台。Before you get serious, you need to discuss what you will do if things don"t work out. You will want to avoid any bad feelings between you."

他们并未浪费精力去夺取新闻战线、玩弄选举系统、要挟政治党派,或者给竞争对手拆台。They didn't waste resources trying to dominate the news cycle, game the system, strong-arm the party, or out-triangulate competitors' positions.

本研究扩展了锦标赛模型,运用可控实验研究方法,探讨异质代理人之间“相互拆台”的问题。Our research expanded tournament model, intends to conduct a controlled experiment in the laboratory to focus on sabotage in contests with heterogeneous agents.

奸细更设计谗谄多禄图谋不轨,于输送礼品往吐蕃时,派杀手拆台,意图毁坏大唐与吐蕃的国交,通蕃卖国!More Chan carry more spies design Paul to plan lawless ACTS, in conveying gift to Turk, sent the killer CaTai, intention and the tubo kingdom datang destroyed, the sweet nation-selling! ! ! ! !

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在实验第一阶段,参赛者要对同组其余两位选手做出拆台选择,选手遭受拆台行为具体表现为自身努力的边际成本的增加。According to our experiment players may sabotage each other at the first stage, increase their competitors'marginal costs of effort, the players choose their efforts at the second stage of experiment.