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我勤政爱民,整天为国事,为百姓的生活担心忧虑。I am worried about people's life and the state affairs all day.

我们要建立一个廉政、勤政、务实、高效的政府。We must build on honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government.

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建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府。Build up a clean and honest, diligent, pragmatic and highly efficient government.

首先,它是建设廉洁、勤政、高效政府的需要。First, it is demand for building up incorrupt, hardworking and efficient government.

现在的当家人民主党人士说第111届国会勇敢、勤政、高效。Its Democratic masters say that the 111th Congress has been bold, busy and effective.

在巴特勤政前雅虎已经采取了一系列的措施转变方向。Yahoo has been taking a series of measures to turn the company around since Bartz came to power.

目前政府勤政状况与服务型政府的要求还有一定差距。Now, the requirement of service type government and government diligent condition still has certain gap.

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从严治政,建设廉洁,勤政、务实、高效政府。Keeping the government strictly in line, and building an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government.

周恩来为人民服务的核心价值观主要表现在他的勤政、廉政实践中。Zhou Enlai, the core values of serving the people is manifested in his diligence, the practice against corruption.

电子政务的实施,可以为社会提供更加廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的政务管理和服务。E-government serves to provide cleaner, more diligent, pragmatic and efficient management and services for the society.

如果那个车站通勤政旅客太少,或警察太少,他就往东走到西四号街地铁站去。If that station is inhospitable, short on commuters or long on cops, he walks east to the West Fourth Street subway station.

开展政府投资项目绩效审计有着深远的意义,可以提高政府的管理效益,有助于建立廉洁、勤政的政府等。But so far, it is on a germinal period for the government investment project performance audit, which not yet form the pattern.

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营造出一种简约、明快而又有文化品位的空间,体现出办公机构内部高效、勤政的工作作风,是我们本设计追求的目标。To create a simple, crisp taste but a cultural space, reflects the offices within the efficient, diligent work style, we present the design goal.

由于大部分的问题还是出在资金融资一个家一本可以解决剩余勤政,保持适当的文字工作。As with most issues that come up when financing or refinancing a home, this one can be resolved by remaining diligent and keeping proper paperwork.

只有坚持依法行政,才能实现政府职能的法定化,树立廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的政府新形象。Only by upholding the administration by law can we carry out the legalization of governmental functions and set upright the governments' new images.

本章在玩忽职守犯罪的客体和主体方面着墨较多,笔者认为玩忽职守犯罪的客体应是复杂客体,其直接侵犯的是国家机关的勤政制度。In author's opinion, the object of crime of neglect of duty is complicated object, which directly violates diligent management system of State organ.

但我可以告诉你的就是,外交部本着廉洁、勤政的原则,勤俭办外交,为了人民的利益,为了国家的利益开展外交工作。But I can assure you, our Ministry follows the principle of integrity, diligence, and thrift in our work for the interest of our people and our country.

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我们必须要推进依法从政、从严治政,建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府。We must ensure the government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordance with the law and try to be honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient.

只有处于有效的监督和制约下,行政部门才能保持勤政和清廉,积极有效地行使资源环境保护的公共职能。Only when under effective supervision and regulation, can administrative departments be honest and diligent, and their functions of protecting resource environment be better served.

他的精神遗产包涵了爱国主义精神、近代化经济建设思想及勤政与廉洁高尚品德等丰富内容。The spiritual heritage left by him covers the rich contents of patriotism, modern economic construction ideas and lofty moralities of diligence in government affairs, honesty and integrity.