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他工作时粗心大意。He did his work negligently.

他因粗心大意而受到责备。He was taxed with negligence.

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对付我的粗心大意我非常歉仄。I'm awfully sorry for my carelessness.

但他绝对是粗心大意的人。But he is a thoroughly unreflective one.

我的老板指责我太粗心大意。My boss accused me of being too careless.

你过于粗心大意,这会毁了你!Your carelessness will overleap yourself!

但社交网站是还那些粗心大意者的雷区。Social media is a minefield for the unwary.

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老师责备我粗心大意。Teacher twitted me for about my carelessness.

在实验中切不可粗心大意。Do be careful with the experiment you're doing.

老板把那个粗心大意的餐厅侍者降为侍者助手。The boss demoted the careless waiter to busboy.

你经常粗心大意,不会学习吗?Are you always “careless” and “unable to learn”?

这个粗心大意的男孩总是闯祸。The heedless boy was always getting into trouble.

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许多事故归咎于粗心大意。Carelessness deserves the blame for many accidents.

可是我们总是粗心大意,没有防范这潜行者。But we are often careless, unmindful of the prowler.

想念我亲爱的飘忽不定,粗心大意的妈妈。I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother.

鲍勃粗心大意,用快刀把自己割伤了。Bob cut himself by fooling around with a sharp knife.

今天早晨他被一个粗心大意的驾驶员开倒车时撞着了。He was backed into by a careless driver this morning.

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这次事故是由一个护士的粗心大意造成的。This accident was caused by the negligence of a nurse.

他粗心大意上课连书都不带。He was so careless that he came to class without his book.

由粗心大意造成的错误有可能带来严重的后果。Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.