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如家第二季度新开设了51家租赁经营酒店。If home the second quarter opened 51 new lease operating a hotel.

在新西兰租赁经营场所是很常见的。It is common in New Zealand for the premises used for the business to be leased.

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项目总投资约8亿元,建成后通过出让、租赁经营获得收益。The total investment is about CNY 800 million which is to be repaid through selling and lease.

从一开始的品牌输出管理中退出改为租赁经营的原因值得探究。From the beginning of the export brand management from the operating lease to the reasons to be examined.

BP是英国的能源公司,租赁经营的很好,从钻井平台的拥有者,跨洋深水地平线。BP is the British-based energy company that operated the well and leased the Deepwater Horizon from the rig's owner, Transocean.

租赁经营方式不具有普遍性,不宜在大企业推行。The author also emphasizes the lease management's lack of general applicability andexpecially its unfeasibility in big enterprises.

浙江省行业饭店连锁经营以特许经营为主要模式,辅以管理合同、租赁经营的连锁发展模式。Franchise operation should be mostly adopted for Zhejiang state-owned hotels. Sometimes, management contracts should also be adopted.

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但该模式应与联营、租赁经营、个人分层承包经营等方式有机结合使用,以取得较好的经济效益和社会效益。It is also believed that the collective contract mode, integrated with partnership, leasing and subcontracting, can produce optimum social and economic benefits.

本文站在出租人的角度,对电网项目融资租赁经营期的风险进行分析,识别出其中主要的风险因素。This paper firstly analyses the risk of grid project financial leasing in operation period from the perspective of the lessor and identified the main risk factors in that period.

"两田制"是指将国有农场耕地分为身份田和招标田两部分,改土地承包为租赁经营。The two-kind-field system is dividing farmland of the state-owned farms into that of growing rationed grain and that for leasing, which has changed the land contract system into the land lease system.